Anne Hutchinson

  • Birth Date

    Birth Date
    Anne Hutchinson was born in July, 1591. We do not know the exact date of when she was born. It was between the 17th and the 20th. Some say the 20th because that is when she got baptized.
  • Spoke her Mind

    Spoke her Mind
    From when Anne was a little kid to when she was an adult, she always made sure she spoke her mind. This is important because she never let anybody tell her what she can and can't say. She said what she thought and many people followed her for that.
  • Moving to London

    Moving to London
    Anne was 14 years old when she had to move to London. She moved because her dad got a job as a teacher there.
  • Wedding

    Anne Marbury (her maiden name) married William Hutchinson.
  • Starting a Family

    Starting a Family
    Had her first child Edward in 1613. Then had Susanna in 1614, Richard in 1615, Faith in 1617, Bridget in 1619, Francis in 1620, Elizabeth in 1622, William in 1623, Samuel in 1624, Anne in 1626, Mary in 1628, Katherine in 1630, a second William, another Susanne, and Zuriel all followed in the 1630's
  • Plague

    Two of Anne's kids died because of the plague. William and Susanna. This took a huge effect on Anne's life.
  • Reaching New Ground

    Reaching New Ground
    Anne predicted that her ship called the "Griffin" would reach New England on September 18, 1634, which it did. Because of this and her disagreement with the Zechariah, it made other women realize that Anne was strong and full of courage. Followed John Cotton
  • Trial

    Anne was on trial for believing and preaching beliefs that did not follow the teachings of the Puritan Church. She also was found guilty, and got banished.
  • Church Trial

    Church Trial
    She was imprisoned and was forced to leave Boston because of her religious beliefs.
  • Anne's Sentence

    Anne's Sentence
    A huge crowd was at Anne's sentence. This sentence was to show and tell everybody that Anne was no longer apart of the church. The next day she had to travel to Rhode Island.
  • Moved to Rhode Island

    Moved to Rhode Island
    She was banished to Rhode Island. This was a 7 day trip while she was 47 and pregnant. The days were very cold and they had no way of protecting them form the bitter cold.
  • Anne Hutchinson Got Assassinated

    Anne Hutchinson Got Assassinated
    It was unclear what day she died but she died because of a local war between the Dutch and Native Americans. All but one child of hers was dead.