Anne frank real

Anne Frank's challenges in hiding

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    Anne Frank in Hiding

  • The Way There

    On the way to the secret Annexe, there wasn't much of a challenge. There was only rain and the cold.
  • Getting Use to Hiding

    Anne Frank and her family have to get use to hiding through the 14th of August. They were use to a bit more food, and less people in the house.
  • The Weather

    This goes on throughout the entire book, Some days it's hot and some cold, and with no air conditioning it can get really bad. It's harder to get use to because of how much it changes.
  • Robberies

    They have robberies throughout their time in hiding. They lose money, furniture, and food.
  • Anne Frank and the Mrs. Van Daan

    Mrs. Van Daan thinks Anne is spoiled, selfish, and non-mannered, and Anne hates it. But she doesn't show it. Anne thinks Mrs. Van Daan is selfish and greedy.
  • The Newcomer

    They have welcomed somebody new into hiding with them. His name is Dussel, and he's a dentist. They informed him about everything and he eventually got used to everything.
  • Sickness

    Throughout this time and the rest of the book their helpers (the people who help Anne and her family stay in hiding) can get sick and that can effect them greatly depending on how important he or she he is..
  • Money

    Throughout the book they don't have much money for food, which means that they have to sell their stuff or have no money at all.
  • The Real Starvation

    Around this time their vegtable person recently got caught, so they have very little vegtables, but most of the ones that they do have are rotten.
  • Extreme Heat

    These were the hottest days of hiding. It was so hot, Anne couldn't even hold a pen. Their food got more rotten than it already was and they couldn't do anything about it, because they didn't have air conditioning.
  • The capture

    They were captured, and sent to concentration camp where they all eventually died of sickness, except Otto Frank (who was the only survivor of world war II that went into hiding).
  • Anne Frank's Death

    Anne Frank died in March not long after her sister died. (not many months before the war ended). She died of sickness.