Hitler appointed Chancellor of Germany
First concentration camp establisged
Nazis organized a nationwide boycott
The first anti-ewish law was passed
Jews expelled from sports clubs
Nazis burnd all un-German books
Jews expelled fromchoir clubs
Jews cannot preform
Jews must marry Jews
Nazi government declared "racial laws"
the summer Olympic Games held in Berlin, Germany
Jews were not allowed to graduate
Germany annexes Austria
A nationwide pogrom called Kristallnacht
Jews not allowed to attend public school
Jews cannot have drivers licenses
Jews only allowed to sit on yellow benches
Jews' last will aren't valid
German troops invade Poland
Jews turn in radios
T-4 Program
German authorities began forced deporatio os Jews
Jews not eligable for clothing rations
German troops invade the Netherlands
Jews could only shop between 4-5pm
All Jews perform forced labor
German troop invade the Soviet Union
Jews can't have soap or shaving cream
Einsatgruppens were assigned to kill Jews
Jews not allowed to use public libraries
Jews over age of 6 had to wear a yellow Star of David
Jews not allowed to use public transportation
Jews need permission to leave neighborhood
Deportation of Jews from Germany
Jews no longer allowed to emigrate
Gassing operations began
Jews not allowed to use public phones
Nazi officials organized the Final Solution
Jews not allowed to purchase newspaper of magazines
A Jewish Star is required on the home of a Jew
Jews not allowed to have pets
Jews not allowed to go to school
Jews couldn't buy eggs with ration cards
Jews couldn't have milk
First direct deportation to Auschwitz
Jews can not have any electrical appliances
Jews cannot testify in court against Germans
Jews not allowed to get meat
Jews not allowed to buy books