Anne frank

Anne Frank: The Diary of Anne Frank

By Mad525
  • Birth of Anne Frank

    Birth of Anne Frank
    Anne Frank was born in Frankfurt, Germany. Anne was a young girl who would change the way future generations would view World War II with her beautiful wirtings that she kept in her diary during that war.
  • Period: to

    The Life of Anne Frank

  • The Frank Family moves to Amsterdam

    The Frank Family moves to Amsterdam
    Anne Frank's family left Germany for Holland, like many Jews, to escape Nazi Germany.
  • Hitler Comes to Power

    Hitler Comes to Power
    Adolf Hitler is most remembered for torturing the Jews in World War II. Adolf Hitler was also the dictator who ruled the Nazis.
  • The German Invasion

    The German Invasion
    The Frank family moved to the Netherlands, hoping to be safer. At the same time, Hitler had taken over Germany, and life was not getting any easier for the Jews.
  • The Escape

    The Escape
    Margot Frank, Anne's older sister, received a papers calling her up to report for work. Anne's father, Otto Frank, knew it was time for the family to go into hiding.
  • The Arrest

    The Arrest
    After being in hiding for two years, all of the people in hiding were taken to concentration camps.
  • Anne Frank's Death

    Anne Frank's Death
    Anne and her family had been separated in different concentration camps. Edith Frank, Anne's mother, and her sister, Margot, had died in their concentration camps. A few days after Margot's death, Anne died of typhus in Bergen-Belson. Anne was only fifteen years old.
  • The War Ends

    The War Ends
    The war is over, and the Germans have surrendered.
  • Adolf Hitler Dies

    Adolf Hitler Dies
    Adolf Hitler commited suicide in Berlin.
  • Otto Frank Returns

    Otto Frank Returns
    After the war had ended, the remaining refugees were allowed to go back home. Otto Frank, being the only survivor, returned to Amsterdam only to find out that his wife and two daughters had died while in the concentration camp.
  • The Diary is Published

    The Diary is Published
    Otto Frank was the only survivor of his family after the war. When he found out his daughters, Anne and Margot, had died, he knew Anne wanted her diary to be published as a book. That is precisely what he did. To this day, Anne's diary has received worldwide success and has touched the hearts of many people around the world.