Franks arrive in the annex
"it is early morning July, 1942." p. 10 -
Period: to
The escapees were in hiding
"It is early morning July, 1942." p. 10
"For the past two years I've lived in fear, now I can live in hope" p. 99 -
Franks think that they'll get captured
"Its the Green Police! They've found us!" p.61 -
Anne has a terrible nightmare
"(screaming) NO! NO! Don't take me!!!!" p46 -
Period: to
Anne and escapees celebrate Hanukkah
"Come on Anne! The song!" "Oh Hanukkah, oh Hanukkah the sweet celebration..." P 63 -
They're forced to cut down on food
"We have bad news. The people from whom Meip got our ration books have been arrested. So we have to cut down on food." -
Mr. Kraler is ill
"Mr. Kraler is in the hospital. It seems he has ulcers." p. 77 -
Anne and Peter kiss
"Then suddenly he grabs her arm, turns her around, holds her awkwardly and kisses her on the cheek" -
"Churchill spoke, and General Eisenhower! D-Day they call it!" -
One of Anne's last diary entries
"In spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart" -
The secret annex is stormed by german police
"Auf machen! Da drinnen! Auf Machen! Schnell!" P. 99 -
Mr. Frank returns to the annex
"...it is lste afternoon November, 1945..." P.100