
Anne Frank (quotes from the play)

  • Franks arrive in the annex

    Franks arrive in the annex
    "it is early morning July, 1942." p. 10
  • Period: to

    The escapees were in hiding

    "It is early morning July, 1942." p. 10
    "For the past two years I've lived in fear, now I can live in hope" p. 99
  • Franks think that they'll get captured

    Franks think that they'll get captured
    "Its the Green Police! They've found us!" p.61
  • Anne has a terrible nightmare

    Anne has a terrible nightmare
    "(screaming) NO! NO! Don't take me!!!!" p46
  • Period: to

    Anne and escapees celebrate Hanukkah

    "Come on Anne! The song!" "Oh Hanukkah, oh Hanukkah the sweet celebration..." P 63
  • They're forced to cut down on food

    They're forced to cut down on food
    "We have bad news. The people from whom Meip got our ration books have been arrested. So we have to cut down on food."
  • Mr. Kraler is ill

    Mr. Kraler is ill
    "Mr. Kraler is in the hospital. It seems he has ulcers." p. 77
  • Anne and Peter kiss

    Anne and Peter kiss
    "Then suddenly he grabs her arm, turns her around, holds her awkwardly and kisses her on the cheek"
  • D-Day

    "Churchill spoke, and General Eisenhower! D-Day they call it!"
  • One of Anne's last diary entries

    One of Anne's last diary entries
    "In spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart"
  • The secret annex is stormed by german police

    The secret annex is stormed by german police
    "Auf machen! Da drinnen! Auf Machen! Schnell!" P. 99
  • Mr. Frank returns to the annex

    Mr. Frank returns to the annex
    " is lste afternoon November, 1945..." P.100