Anne Frank

  • Anne is born

    Birth place Germany on June 12,1929
  • Anne joined her family

    to Netherlands to flee from Germany.
  • Germany invades Poland

    world war 2 begins a few days later
  • Germany invades Netherlands

    eight months after they invaded Poland
  • Jewish children

    Jewish children
    could not go to non Jewish schools
  • Jews

    had to wear six sided yellow stars in public
  • Anne gets a diary

    Anne gets a diary
    for her twelth birthday
  • Hiding

    the Franks go into hiding in secret rooms above Otto Franks business a few days later the van Pelses join them.
  • Friz Preffer

    goes hiding with them
  • Anne writes

    her last diary entry
  • Arrested

    the franks and van pelses and prefefer get arrested by the Nazis
  • The train

    the Franks and Van Pelses and Prefefer got on the last train for Nazi cancentration camp
  • Sent to the bergen belsen camp

    Anne and Margot got sent to the Bergen Belsen camp in Germany
  • Anne died

    Anne and Margot died of typhus
  • Victory

    Allies declared victory in Europe
  • Survied

    Otto Frank survied and publised Anne Frank's diary .