Anne's Life
Anne frank id born in Frankfurt, Germany -
World Event
hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany. The first anti-jewish lawsnare established. Anne family decides they must move to the Netherlands -
World Event
The German army invades the Netherlands -
Anne's Life
Anne's older sister, Margot, receives a call-up notice to report for deportation to a forced-labor camp. The family goes into hiding the next day. -
Anne's Life
June 12, 1942:
Anne receives a diary for her 13th birthday. -
Anne's Life
The van Pels, another Jewish family originally from Germany, join the Franks in hiding. -
World Event
D-day: Allied forces land in Normandy in northern France, and launch an invasion of Western Europe. -
World Event
Japan surrenders after the Unties Staes drop atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. World War two ends one week later.