Anne's diary
Mother is unbearable. she insistis on treating me like a baby,which I loathe. Otherwise things are going better. -
Anne's diary
In this diary entery, she talks about herself. She tells us what her name is, how old she is, where and when she was born, that her family is Jewish, and that her family emigarted to Holland when Hitler came to power. In Januray 1942, the "Final Solution" is secretly annonced at a conference of Nazi officials: Europe's Jews are to be "exterminated," to murder. -
9 Nov 1942, Anne's diary
Anne has a nightmare about the Nazis taking her. The Allied forces are doing more and more air raids, and have landed in Africa. The annex's occupants are looking towards an early finish to the war. (Maddy, 12/12/2013) -
Today Anne and all her family and friends in the attack are at the kitchen table celibrating Hanukkah. They are praying to god while liting the oppera. When Anne asked if there were any presents for them like they alwys do, but her mother and father say no not this year. So Anne suprises them by giving everyone presents by the stuff they found aroud the house they her family and friends wanted. -
6 Jun 1944, Anne's Diary
D-day. Mr. Van Daan is caught red-handed stealing bread, and the annex's occupants are outraged. Dussel tries to kill him, and Mrs. Frank tells Mr. and Mrs. Van Daan they have to leave the annex. (Maddy, 12/19/2013) -
World event
In 1945 on May 8, the war in Europe ends with Germany's unconditional surrender to the Allies. -
Anne's diary
The police come to where they are hiding to take them to a concentration camp. They're think that the robber told the police that they were hiding up .