Anna berardi

  • Birthdayyy

    I was born in china on September 2, 2004
  • birthdayyy

    born in china, september 2nd 2004
  • growing up in different countries

    growing up in different countries
    Travelling to different countries influences me because i learn new cultures,traditions and religions that are different from mine.I was born in china then we moved to Korea and spent half of my child hood there i don't remember it that much but i still have some memories for example i still remember the school.I lived in the Philippines for 5 years and spent the other half of my child hood there i have lots of memories from there, the best ones is spending time with my friends
  • reading books

    when i was in year 5/grade 4 a teacher from my old school inspired me to read books, he first introduced me to the harry potter series, after i read the harry potter books i started reading other things like the authors rick Riordan, meg cabot, ransom Riggs and other authors. Books influence me because they expand my creativity, my knowledge, my vocabulary, my fantasy, and imagination.
  • middle school

    middle school
    middle school: you enter adult hood, you have more responsibilities, more home work, less free time, and independence. it influences me because it changes your behaviour you are more independent and have to make the right choices by yourself which sometimes can become mistakes.
  • Confirmation

    Confirmation is a holy sacrament in Christianity which symbolises that you have received the holy spirit,a guardian prepares you for the sacrament and when you are ready,there is a ceremony the priest makes it official that you have received the holy spirit in the ceremony you dress nicely to show respect. it is really important in the christian religion,this is why we celebrate after the ceremony.It influences me because it makes me more religious which then influences my actions.
  • Moving to malaysia

    Moving to malaysia
    Moving to Malaysia was a really big thing for me because i was moving from a country i lived in for 5 years. starting all over again scared me a lot. i had to leave everything behind the friendships i built over the years, the things i've learned, my "home sweet home", my school, everything. the only thing i did bring with me were memories which will fade away eventually. Moving to Malaysia influenced me because i'm learning a new culture it changes my behaviours.
  • FIrst running event