Animal Science Timeline

  • 8000 BCE


    Goats one of the the oldest domesticated animals, were domesticated 10,000 years ago
  • 6500 BCE

    Spreading of goats

    Spreading of goats
    Through changing of goods and services, goats ended up spreading towards Africa into the Ethiopian Highlands through the years
  • 1493

    First Goats

    First Goats
    Goats were among the first animals brought to America by Columbus
  • 1500

    Different Goats

    Different Goats
    Spanish settlers brought Swiss breeds along with Spanish and Austrian goats
  • Period: to


    A variety of small goats of the West African Dwarf group of breeds of West Africa were imported from zoos in Germany to the United States
  • Dairy

    Dairy goat production in the United States began growing and larger commercial farms were becoming increasingly important, driven by rising demand for goat cheese
  • Period: to


    Dairy goat numbers in the USA doubled
  • Period: to

    One who lived twice

    The last bucardo, an extinct goat, called Celia, died in the year 2000. One of the attempted pregnancies was a success and a female bucardo was born. It died 10 mins later due to lung defect
  • Period: to


    Goats have been used as a model to study the differentiation of gonads
  • Longest horns

    Longest horns
    Rasputin is a Walliser black-necked goat who lives in Austria and has the world’s largest horn spread for a living goat, as verified by Guinness World Records. The 8-year-old’s horns measure 53.23 in.
  • Cyclops Goat

    Cyclops Goat
    Born on May 10 with a single, enormous eye in the center of its face, a baby goat has survived a surprising eight days in a village in Assam, India