The Anfal Genocide

  • Period: to

    The 8 Stages of The Anfal Genocide

  • Stage One of The Anfal Genocide

    Stage One of The Anfal Genocide
    The first stage of the Anfal Genocide started on February 21 in Dolli Jafayty Marg and ended on March 18 on 1988. It began with heavy artillery and air strikes and later that day, the Union of Kurdistan near the Iranian border, and the command centers in Sargallu and Bargallu were attacked as well.
  • Stage Two of The Anfal Genocide

    Stage Two of The Anfal Genocide
    The second stage of the Anfal Genocide began on March 22 in the Qaradakh District and ended on April 2. Several villages were attacked with poison gas (Safaran, Sewsenan, Belekjar, Serko and Meyoo).
  • Stage Three of The Anfal Genocide

    Stage Three of The Anfal Genocide
    The third stage of the Anfal genocide began on March 31 and ended on April 14. The Garmian region east of Suleimanya was targeted and during this stage, many women and children disappeared. Tazashar was also the only village attacked with chemical weapons.
  • Stage Four of The Anfal Genocide

    Stage Four of The Anfal Genocide
    The fourth stage of The Anfal Genocide began on April 18 in in the Askar district and ended on April 20. During this stage, the Askar district, Goptapa, Shwan, Qala, Swaka, Dashti Koya were attacked with poisonous chemicals.
  • The Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh Stages of the Anfal Genocide

    The Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh Stages of the Anfal Genocide
    The fifth stage of The Anfal Genocide started in the Shaqlawa and Rewandiz districts on May 24 and the sixth and seventh stage shortly followed with an enddate of August 31. The fifth stage failed entirely and two more attacks were needed to gain complete control. The villages Hiran, Balisan, Smaquli, Malakan, Shek Wasan, Ware, Seran and Kaniba were attacked with poisonous gas. After the seventh stage of the attack, the Kurdistan valleys were under the control of the Iraqi government.
  • Stage Eight of The Anfal Genocide

    Stage Eight of The Anfal Genocide
    The eighth and final stage of The Anfal Genocide started in the Badinan district on August 25th and ended on September 6th. During this stage, the villages of Wirmeli, Barkavreh, Bilejane, Glenaska, Zewa Shkan, Tuka and Ikmala were targeted with chemical attacks