2013 clip art


By ghe5
  • BORN

    I was born on 2002 August 20th at 6:02 I was born at Wake Med
  • First Celebratory Halloween

    First   Celebratory    Halloween
    My first celebration of Halloween was when I was on my mom caried me arund to houses and i was an eskimo for Hallowwen. I was an eskimo because It was cold outside,and i wore a monkey cap and big fluffy pants.
  • Brother Dropped Me

    My brother was climbing up stairs while carying me, When he was
    up he couldnt handle it and he dropped me
  • First Started Talking

    I first started talking when i was 3 years old. My brother was in 5th grade alredy and he told me how to talk.
  • Start Of School

    Start Of School
    I started pre-school when i was 4 years old
  • Sterling Montessori

    Sterling Montessori
    I was at a private school called Sterling Montessori
  • First visit to Myrtle Beach

    First visit to Myrtle Beach
    My first visit to Myrtle Beach.I got bit by a big gigantic dog. I had to go to the doctor really fast.
  • Moving to a new house

    I moved to a new house,a lot bigger house I still live there now. I like it better than my old house but since i moved somewhere else i had to move to a different school and i lost my old friends.But now I go to ghe and I have new friends.
  • 2nd Visit to Myrtle Beach

    2nd Visit to Myrtle Beach
    My 2nd visit to Myrtle beach was nice because i went with many other people i know.
  • First Iphone

    First Iphone
    I got an Iphone for my 8th Birthday. I used it until I got the next iphone
  • Got To GHE

    Got To GHE
    On the 25th of August I got to GHE as a 3rd grader in Mr.Cheeley`s Class
  • Cruise Ship

    Cruise Ship
    On October 14, I got onto a Cruise Ship with lots of other people I know.Also, I was on the 3rd Biggest Cruise in the world.That was my favorite trip ever since.
  • Bahamas

    From the Cruise Ship as our last trip from the ship We got to the bahamas (the actual destination) it was fun, but not as much as the cruise ship or the beach place
  • Fun Beach

    Fun Beach
    From the bahamas the ship docked at a beach area , The ship ownes the area.We scared my brother with a dead jellyfish my cousin and i found. But we had to leave back to the ship in less than 6 hours.

    On my birthday it was my best birthday because i wnet to alot of places,resteraunts ,and i invited alot of friends.That was my favorite birthday
  • Present
