• Alpha

    Android 1.0
  • Beta

    Android 1.1
  • Cupcake

    It includes more and different features for the users and changes also.
    Android 1.5
  • Donut

    It added support for some smartphones, it also add screen sizes and battery usage indicator.
    Android 1.6
  • Eclair

    They were made significant changes in Android 1.6 version.
    Android 2.0-2.1
  • Froyo

    The most importan changes in this was the USB tethering and the Wi-Fi hotspot functionality.
    Android 2.2-2.2.3
  • Gingerbread

    It introduced support for near field communication and Session Initiation Protocol.
    Android 2.3-2.3.7
  • Honeycomb

    It was designed for devices with larger screen sizes especially tablets. Honeycomb introduced a new system called holographic user interface and it also included main features such as multitasking, notifications and widgets.
    Android 3.0-3.2.3
  • Ice Cream Sandwich

    Ice Cream Sandwich
    They were significant changes for tablets to create a uniform platform for both smatphones and tablets.
    Android 4.0-4.0.4
  • Jelly Bean

    Jelly Bean
    There are three major point releases.
    They have improvements designed to give the operating system a smoother and more responsive feel.
    They were also improvements to the notifications system.
    Android 4.1-4.3.1
  • KitKat

    It is focused primarily on optimizing the operating system for improved performance.
    Android 4.4-4.4.4
  • Lollipop

    It is a redesigned user interface built around a design language which has the name of Material Design.
    Android 5.0-5.1.1
  • Marshmallow

    It is bassed on improving users experience. Introduced new permissions.
    Android 6.0-6.0.1
  • Nougat

    The version was released with Nexus devices wich were the first ones receiving the update.
    Nougat introduces some changes to the operating system. It includes the ability to display multiple apps, it includes also support for inline replies to notifications.
    Android 7.0-7.1.1