Andria Reyes's Pregnancy Timeline!

  • Month Five

    Month Five
    The top of your uterus is about halfway between your pubic bone and your navel, which makes your belly pretty round. Some say this is the easiest point in your pregnancy because the mother is less nauseated.
  • Month Five

    Month Five
    The baby in this month will have a pretty big growth spurt. The festus is supposed to double in weight and height.
  • Month Six

    Month Six
    In this point of the pregnancy the mother should have gained at least ten pounds. If the mother is underweight that could leave serious problems to the fetus.
  • Month Six

    Month Six
    The baby should weight at least 10/12 ounces and is the size of a banana.
  • Month Seven

    Month Seven
    At this point in the pregnancy the baby is somewhat fully develop and can now go poop!
  • Month Seven

    Month Seven
    The mother's uterus is not only expanding outward but it is also expanding upwards.
  • Month Eight

    Month Eight
    The baby during this month will gain about half a pound per week till it's birth.
  • Month Eight

    Month Eight
    This point in the pregnancy the mother most likely has stretch marks from the baby because her skin is about to it's breaking point.
  • Month Nine

    Month Nine
    When the baby is born he/she will be given the Apgor Test. Normal babies usually score a 7-10.
  • Month Nine

    Month Nine
    This is the last month for a normal pregnancy during this month the mother may feel horrible contractions which means the baby is ready to arrive.
  • Month one

    Month one
    The mother just found out she is pregnant. The baby is the size of a pin head. A sperm has broken through the outer part of your egg and has fertilized it.
  • Month One

    Month One
    The baby is called a zigote. The baby right now is just a tiny ball consisting of hundreds of cells. The cells are mulitplying quickly into hundreds of cells.
  • Birth Defects

    Five Bith Defects Are:
    -Down Syndrome
    -Cleft Plate
    -Cleft Lip
    -Club Foot
  • Month Two

    Month Two
    The mother is starting to show a little bit. The mother might notice some pregnancy-related discomforts already. Some women say they have sore breasts, fatigue, and frequent urination starting in the early weeks. The mother also might have nausea, though it's more likely to show up in the coming weeks.
  • Month Two

    Month Two
    The baby is still a zigote and is starting to develop more. Deep in the uterus the embryo is growing at a fast pace. This point in the pregnancy the baby looks more like a tadpole than an actual human.
  • Month Three

    Month Three
    The mother still may not look pregnant, she just might look like she gained a little weight. The mother will most likey feel super pregnant though because not only are morning sickness and other physical symptoms at the extreme point, but she may feel very emotional as well which is known as mood swings.
  • Month Three

    Month Three
    The baby is almost an inch long which is about the size of a grape, it also weighs just a fraction of an ounce. The baby is finally starting to look more human since it's body parts are growing on to it.
  • Month Four

    Month Four
    The mother finally looks like she is having a baby. She is most likley at the point where she might have to go out and buy maternity clothes.
  • Month Four

    Month Four
    The most dramatic development of this month in the pregnancy is reflexes because the mother may be able to feel her baby move around. The baby is also able to suck it's little thumb.