my birth
i was born on june 27th 2001.in the city pereira in colombia -
My high school
In grades 6 to 9, my high school a changed, since in the group where I have spent studying has changed, have been more united since them -
The death of my grandmother
This event frame my life forever, the sadness I invaded and try to kill myself -
My first trip to USA
This was my best experience, my trip to the United States was very interesting toured Florida, we went to the parks, that State is very beautiful, we laugh, we had fun, it was a trip I will never forget -
My Sister (friend)
When I met Leidy, there Was a shift in my life, it Was my company throughout that Year, I consider it my Sister because together we Share the Best moments -
Event friki
I lived that moment with alejandra which shared many moments with me last year, is an event where young people who like anime and television series gather -
A day of laughter
That afternoon I went to House of yenny and we plan after making tasks a fright for a friend we laughed a lot, more when MOM chastised for playing with a knife -
My Best friend
Manuela is a girl gay, but as friend became important in my life I supported it in its ruptures, never made me case and still continues to suffer, our friendship was very huge, you could say that we loved -
When we won the modern dance
After weeks of preparation effort was rewarded, had never felt that it was winning the modern dance, felt great, an exciting experience -
Fifteen of my best friend
It was a spectacular night, dancing and I had fun as ever, that day was the best of all -
Last day of classes
That day was crazy laugh, take photos and were disguised, was the day of revelation where my best friend gave me a letter, that will fix things