Andrea del Verrocchio

  • 1435


    Andrea del Verrocchio was born in 1435 in Florence, Italy. He was the teacher of another skilled master of the 15th century, Leonardo da Vinci.
  • Period: 1435 to 1488

    Andrea del Verrocchio

    A great painter and sculptor of the renaissance.
  • Period: 1453 to 1460

    A difficult life

    He was the son of Michele di Francesco Cioni, a maker of bricks and tiles who later became a tax collector. Financial security always seemed to be a family problem so Verrocchio had to support several of his brothers and sisters. Him not marrying anyone made things more difficult.
  • 1460

    The beggining of a new life

    Verrocchio’s first studies in painting date possibly from the mid-1460s. He is said to have been a pupil of the Florentine artist Alesso Baldovinetti. But it is assumed that he and Sandro Botticelli worked together under the early Renaissance master Fra Filippo Lippi in Prato, a city near Florence.
  • 1465

    Putto with a Dolphin

    Putto with a Dolphin
    This is maybe the most popular work by Andrea del Verrocchio. The charming Verrocchio’s little angel is described by the classical Greek poet Callistratus.
  • 1470

    Tobias and the Angel

    Tobias and the Angel
    This painting illuminates the biblical story of the blind old man Tobias accompanied by his dog and by the archangel Raphael.
  • 1475

    Baptism of Christ

    Baptism of Christ
    Another remarkable painting by Verrocchio, Leonardo and workshop which represents John the Baptist striding forward as he anoints Christ with waters from the river Jordan.
  • 1479

    Equestrian statue of Bartolomeo Colleoni

    Equestrian statue of Bartolomeo Colleoni
    A commemorative statue of Bartolomeo Colleoni a professional soldier, who had been employed by the Venetian republic.
  • 1488


    Andrea del Verrocchio died in 1488, in Venice. He was among the greatest sculptors of the Renaissance and set an example for other sculptors to follow wich brought many new artists into the world. information from: