Ancient India

  • 700 BCE


    The world's first university was established in India, in Takshila. It was one of the biggest achievements in the field of education, as more than 10,500 students came from all over the world to receive education in over 60 different subjects.
  • 200 BCE

    India After Mauryas

    India After Mauryas
    In eastern India, Central India and Decca, the Mauryas were succeeded by a number of native rulers, such as Sungas , the Kanvas and the Satavahanas.
  • 148 BCE

    The Sunga Dynasty

    The Sunga Dynasty
    The founder of Sunga dynasty was Pushyamitra Sunga , the commander in chief of Brihadratha , the last Mauryas king.
  • 145 BCE


    They were resisted by the rulers uptil the second half of the fifth century A.D. but the weakness of the empire provided them with a chance.
  • 72 BCE

    Kanya Dynasty

    Kanya Dynasty
    The rule of the Kanvas lasted for abou 45 years. For kings ruled during this period. Vasudeva ruled for a period of nine years and Bhumimitra for 14 years.