Ancient Chinese Han dynasty

  • 206 BCE

    Liu Bang conquers Qin dynasty

    Liu Bang conquers Qin dynasty
    Liu Bang leads rebellion to overthrow the Qin dynasty. After winning many battles, he takes Xianyang, the capital and ends the Qin rule. After creating the Han dynasty, he renames himself Emperor Gaozu
  • 202 BCE

    Emperor Gaouzu establishes a new capital

    Emperor Gaouzu establishes a new capital
    After deafeating the final rebellion against himself, Emperor Gaouzu establishes a new capital, Chang'an, making it well located at the convergence of all major roads
  • 195 BCE

    The empire goes into internal conflict as Emperor Gaouzu dies

    The empire goes into internal conflict as Emperor Gaouzu dies
    After his death, his empress takes measures to take the empire in her own family. Conflicts lasted 15 years
  • 180 BCE

    Emperor Wen reestablishes control over the empire

    Emperor Wen reestablishes control over the empire
    After years of fighting, Emperor Wen, one of Liu Bangs remaining sons, takes over the empire. He and his fa ily kill every member of the Lü Zhi clan for their rebellion. He lightens taxes and promotes development of the empire.
  • 141 BCE

    Emperor Wu joins Confucianism

    Emperor Wu joins Confucianism
    Emperor Wu abandons Legalism and joins Confucianism. He then had a strong influence on his advisers about the connection to heaven
  • 138 BCE

    Zhang Qian opens the Silk Road to the west

    Zhang Qian opens the Silk Road to the west
    As an envoy of Emperor Wudi, Zhang Qian begins several expeditions to Central Asia. He makes contact with Hellenistic people, opening up the Silk Road.
  • 117 BCE

    Extending the Great Wall

    Extending the Great Wall
    The Han emperors extend the western section of the Great Wall of china to repair damage and to protect the places inside the wall.
  • 109 BCE

    Conquer Tien

    Conquer Tien
    Leaders of the Chinese Han empire conquer the kingdom of Tien
  • 108 BCE

    Wiman Joseon Is conquered

    Wiman Joseon Is conquered
    The Han dynasty conquers Wiman Joseon, a important part in Korean history.
  • 104 BCE

    War of the heavenly horses

    War of the heavenly horses
    Emperor Wu of Han recieved reports of tall and powerful horses in possession of the Dayuan, which were important to fight the nomad Xiongnu
  • 101 BCE

    Emperor Wudi extends Chinese empire

    Emperor Wudi  extends Chinese empire
    After plea to of military campaigns, emperor Wudi adds a huge amount of land to the Chinese emperor including southern China, central Vietnam, and north and central Korea.
  • 2

    A large census revealed a big population

    A large census revealed a big population
    The Han record the population of people in their empire, revealing 250000 people living in the capital of Chang'an. This is the oldest surviving large scale census
  • 8

    Wang Mang establishes unsuccessful Xin dynasty

    Wang Mang establishes unsuccessful Xin dynasty
    Wang Mang becomes emperor of western Han and and changes the name to Xin. He is eventually overthrown by peasant revolts.
  • 23

    Liu Xiu overthrows Wang Mang and reestablishes the Han Dynasty

    Liu Xiu overthrows Wang Mang and reestablishes the Han Dynasty
    Liu Xiu, a descendant of Liu Bang was a part of the rebellion against the Xin. After overthrowing Wang Manhs army, he reestablishes Han dynasty and this becomes eastern Han period
  • 91

    Sima Qian finishes writing the Shiji

    Sima Qian finishes writing the Shiji
    Sima Qian, an astrologer for emperor Wudi finishes writing records of the history of China. He calls it Shiji, 'records of the grand historian'.
  • 105

    Cai Lin invents paper

    Cai Lin invents paper
    Cai Lin, a eunuch invents a method to make paper. It was dipping a screen in a pulp of rice, straw and tree bark, and then pressing and drying it. In Han times, paper was used to wrap fish not write
  • 148

    Missionary An Shigao attracts followers to Buddhism

    Missionary An Shigao attracts followers to Buddhism
    A Buddhist missionary, An Shiago goes to the capital of Luoyang where he translates Indian texts and attracts many new Buddhist followers
  • 184

    Yellow turban rebellion threatens capital

    Yellow turban rebellion threatens capital
    Years of weak rule in the government, a peasant rebellion begins, called the yellow turbans. It threatens the capital, but the Hans get rid of the rebellion.
  • 190

    Dong Zhou seizes control of Luoyang

    Dong Zhou seizes control of Luoyang
    Dong Zhou, a warlord gets control of Luoyang and puts Liu Xie as the new ruler. Liu Xie was a part of the Han dynasty, but Dong Zhou had all the power.
  • 220

    Liu Xie abdicates and ends the Han dynasty

    Liu Xie abdicates and ends the Han dynasty
    The empire weakens as battle go on, and Liu Xie abdicates and for 350 years China's warlords fight for power, leaving the country split.