Industrial revolution in Europe
Increased urbanization, resource usage and pollution. -
Once the most prolific bird, the passenger pigeon becomes extinct
Conservation movement grows. Concern for tigers, rhinoceros, etc. -
Dustbowl in North America
Recognition that agricultural practices may affects soils and climate. -
Leopoldo writes ‘A Sand County Almanac’
Concept of ‘stewardship’ is applied to nature. -
Uk’s ten National parks are established
Recognition of need to conserve natural areas. -
Minamata Bay Disaster
Emphasizes the ability of food chains to accumulate toxins into higher trophic levels, including into humans. -
Rachel Carson publishes ‘Silent spring’
General acceptance of dangers of chemical toxins affected humans. The pesticide DDT is banned. -
NGOs gain greater following
Public awareness grows. WWFN, Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth all formed. -
First Earth Summit - UN Conference on the Human Environment
Declaration of UN conference. Action Plan for the Human Environment. Environment Fund established. Foundation of UN Environment Programe (UNEP). Earth Summits planned at ten-year intervals. -
C.I.T.E.S. formed by IUCN
Endangered species protected from international trade. -
Inconvenient Truth Sequel is released.
The documentary An Inconvenient Truth Sequel: Truth to Power was released. -
Global Climate Strike
A series of International strikes and protests to demand action to be taken to address climate change. (wikimpedia.org)