I was bullied in preschool
I remember when I was 3, I was bullied by this girl that I'm still in class with today. She shoved me into a small place and I couldn't get out. -
My little brother
When I was four my little brother was born. I remember I loved him so much, until he got into my toys. -
3rd Grade
In 3rd grade, I got really fat and I had really puffy hair that made me look like a Q-tip. I lost all my friends and everyone was mean to me. -
Started clogging
When I was 8, I started clogging and I got really skinny and I started straightening my hair and people liked me again. -
6th grade volleyball
In 6th grade I started playing volleyball and I got really good and I was a starter for every game. -
8th grade trip
I went to Washington, D.C.and on the last day we were there, I accidentally threw away my invisaline and had to dumpster dive. -
Mayday I made a lot of friends and had the best time ever. I was Pepe La Pu for my costume. -
I went to homecoming with my friend Kasey. I did her hair and makeup and we both had a blast. -
Logan (Bub)
I've known Logan since I was a baby. He's like the big brother I've never had. He went to college and I don't get to see him and I really miss him. -
I have to stop
I have to stop clogging because I have Osgood-Schlatter's disease in both my knees.