AMSCO AP World History Unit 4 Major Events

  • 1492

    The New World is Discovered

    The New World is Discovered
    Christopher Columbus' voyage, financed by the Spanish crown, reinvigorates interest in Atlantic voyages an ultimately kickstarts exploration an colonization of the Americas.
  • 1494

    The Treaty of Tordesillas

    The Treaty of Tordesillas
    The treaty of Tordesillas in South America leads to the initial partitioning of the continent, providing Portugal with much of what will soon be the sugar-rich Brazil, and Spain with the mineral wealth of the west.
  • 1498

    Vasco Da Gama Lands in India

    Vasco Da Gama Lands in India
    The Portuguese maritime explorer Vasco Da Gama's crew, after a successful voyage around the Cape of Good Hope and up the Swahili Coast, lands in India. The discovery of such sea routes, which circumvented the difficult politics of trading through the middle east, opened the way for the establishment of great European trading post empires in the Indian Ocean.
  • 1500

    Columbian Exchange Begins in Earnest

    Columbian Exchange Begins in Earnest
    After a decade of developing infrastructure and early colonies in the New World, Atlantic trade begins to accelerate. With time, massive volumes of precious metal, food, and technology will cross the Ocean by these routes.
  • 1500

    Atlantic Slave Trade Grows

    Atlantic Slave Trade Grows
    During the early part of the 1500s, trans-Atlantic slave trade accelerated commensurately to the growing demands for precious metals and consumable commodities from the Americas.
  • 1522

    Ferdinand Magellan's Crew Circumnavigates The Globe

    Ferdinand Magellan's Crew Circumnavigates The Globe
    One of the ships chartered by Ferdinand Magellan in his effort to circumnavigate the world returns to Europe. The endeavor not only successfully annexed the Philippines for Spain but also led to the elucidation of Pacific sea routes.
  • Japan Outlaws Christianity

    Japan Outlaws Christianity
    As the growing Christian population in Japan begins to become more politically powerful and starts to look like a threat to nationalistic ideals. In order to secure identity, Japan outlaws Christian worship services, gradually implementing ever-more-severe measures over the next 40 years.
  • England Decimates the Spanish Armada

    England Decimates the Spanish Armada
    In a surprising turn of events, the relatively weak, unformed English navy destroys nearly two thirds of the mighty Spanish Armada and counters their attempted invasion. This helps to cement the status of England's military power.
  • Morocco Defeats the Songhai

    Morocco Defeats the Songhai
    In a surprising defeat, the relatively-weaker but more technologically advanced Moroccan military routes the Songhai kingdom. The nation crumbles, with large sections of its territory being annexed by Spain and Portugal.
  • The Dutch East India Company is Established

    The Dutch East India Company is Established
    The Dutch East India Company, one of the first and most successful exploration-oriented joint-stock companies is formed.
  • Quebec is Founded

    Quebec is Founded
    The city and trading post of Quebec--the first substantial permanent settlement in New France--is established by Samuel de Champlain with hopes of streamlining trade with the First Nations people.
  • Henry Hudson Secures the Hudson River Valley

    Henry Hudson Secures the Hudson River Valley
    In a government-commissioned expedition, Henry Hudson and a team of Dutch explorers claim much of the area around the Hudson River for the Netherlands. On the tip of Manhattan island, Dutch settlers will soon establish the colony of New Amsterdam, the city that will one day grow into New York.
  • Ana Nzinga Assumes Power Over Matamba

    Ana Nzinga Assumes Power Over Matamba
    Following an alliance gone awry with the Portuguese, Queen Ana Nzinga was forced to flee her native Ndongo for the kingdom of Matamba. There, she took power over the people and used machiavellian tactics to grow the state and damage her old kingdom.
  • Dutch Capture Malacca

    Dutch Capture Malacca
    After an extended period of siege on the Portuguese, the Dutch successfully assume control over much of the Malay Peninsula, pushing Portugal out and further weakening the trading post empire's hold on the Indian Ocean.
  • Louis XIV Strengthens the Power of the Crown

    Louis XIV Strengthens the Power of the Crown
    Following a failed uprising by the people in the mid-17th-century, Louis XIV begins to remove more and more power from the commoners and nobility of France, creating an ever-more autocratic government.
  • The Gloucester County Rebellion

    The Gloucester County Rebellion
    A large group of slaves and indentured servants bands together to conquer the European political officials. This was one of the first major slave rebellions in the Americas.
  • Metacom's War Begins

    Metacom's War Begins
    Ending in 1678, Metacom's war was the last major rebellion of the Native Peoples against colonizers in the New World. The war, which stemmed from long-bred frustration at the unfair commercial practices of the English, resulted in the destruction of 12 cities and the eventual subjugation of the Wampanoag tribe.
  • The Pueblo Revolt

    The Pueblo Revolt
    The Pueblo people of southern North America rebels against the region's Spanish rulers in protest of the religion and forced labor they enforced.
  • King James II is Abdicated

    King James II is Abdicated
    King James II is abdicated from his throne by William of Orange by military force. This marks the turnover of the English throne to protestant rule, initiating a significant shift in national identity.
  • The First Maroon War Begins

    The First Maroon War Begins
    Ended in 1740 with an honorable peace, this was the first of two major rebellions of the Maroons--the ex-slave population of Jamaica--against European government. It is a strong indication of the strained social relations caused by a paper-thin elite class resting upon a mass of incredibly poor citizens.