
Americans with Disabilities Rights Movement Timeline by Wade Gillette and Connor Smith

  • The ARC Champions Abilities of Mentally Retarded

    The ARC Champions Abilities of Mentally Retarded
    Parents of children diagnosed with mental retardation founded the ARC. The association works to change the public's ideas about mental retardation. Its parents aim to educate parents and others demonstrating that individuals with mental retardation have the ability succeed in life. Link Text
  • Civil Rights Bill Bypasses Persons with Disabilities

    Civil Rights Bill Bypasses Persons with Disabilities
    The Civil Rights Act is passed. While it helps end discrimination against African Americans, it excludes those with disabilities.
  • First International Special Olympics Games

    Eunice Kennedy Shriver founds the Special Olympics in 1962 to provide athletic training and competition for persons with intellectual disabilities.
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  • Act Requires Accessible Buildings

    The Architectural Barriers Act of 1968 mandates the removal of what is perceived to be the most significant obstacle to employment for people with disabilities.
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  • Law Guarantees Free, Appropriate, Public Education for All Disabled Children

    Law Guarantees Free, Appropriate, Public Education for All Disabled Children
    The Education for Handicapped Children Act of 1975 signed into law. It guarantees a free, appropriate, public education for all children with disabilities.
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  • ADAPT Campaigns for Transportation Access

    ADAPT Campaigns for Transportation Access
    Americans with Disabilities for Accessible Public Transportation (ADAPT) began its national campaign for lifts on buses and access to public transit for people with disabilities.
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  • Americans with Disabilities Act Becomes Law

    Americans with Disabilities Act Becomes Law
    The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is signed into law by President George H. W. Bush (R)
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  • "Disability History Week"

    "Disability History Week"
    This legislation requires public schools to educate students about disability history, people with disabilities, and the disability rights movement and encourages colleges and universities to promote awareness and understanding of disability history.
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