Period: to
This period was the start of all written literature. It was a short period of people just starting to write things down. -
"To My Dear and Loving Husband" Anne Bradstreet
'Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" Jonathan Edwards
Period: to
During this period of Literature, pieces become more professional and more itelligente. Most pieces talked about removing ourselves from the English and becoming our own country. -
"Speech to Virginia Convention" Patrick Henry
"Declaration of Independence" Thomas Jefferson
"from the American Crisis" Thomas Paine
"Speech in the convention" Benjamin Franklin
Period: to
During this period of literature many things influenced writers. Technology was becoming more advanced, expiditions were becoming bigger, democracy was getting stronger, and slavery was thriving. Literature written was about love and the changes going on in the world. -
"The Tide Rises, The TIde Falls" Henry Wadsworth long Fellow
"the Devil and Tom Walker" Washington Irving
"from Nature, Self-Reliance" Ralph Waldo Emerson
"the Raven" Edgar Allan Poe
"The Scarlet Letter" Nathaniel Hawthorne
Poetry Collection by Emily Dickinson
"Walden" Henry David Thoreau
"Leaves of Grass" Walt Whitman
Period: to
In the Realism period of literature began to focus on writing portrayals of real life. they showed people as real and fuctual as possible. Topics like small town life, human emotions, and cultural isolation. -
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Mark Twain
Period: to
Regionalism waws a form of literature that was popular during the civl wars. DIffernet areas affected writers in different ways. In the north, technological advances in nearly every aspect of daily life led NOrtherners to believe that most anything new, fast and stronger was always better. -
"The Awaking" Kate Chapin
"Call of the Wild" Stephan Crann
"A Wagner Matinee" Willa Cather
Period: to
Detached form of writing, inspired by Charles Darwin, and Karl Marx. Believed that heredity, social conditions and the enviroment determined peoples actions. -
"Magic Mountain" Thomas Mann
Period: to
A period where Disillusionment was a very big idea. Modernism is an artistic movement that rejected traditional forms and emphasized bold new ways of expression. -
"The Road not Taken(poetry) Robert Frost
Period: to
The Harlem Renaissance
This time focuses on the influence of slavery, black identity, and the effects of institutional racism. Also known as the "New Negro Movement". -
"The Wasteland" T.S Eliot
"There is Confusion Eudora Welty
"Mrs. Dalloway" Virginia Woolf
"The Weary Blues" Langsten Hughes
"The Geat Gatsby" F. Scott Fitzgerald
"Plum Bun" William Faulkner
"As I lay Dying" William Faulkner
"God sends Sunday" Arna Bontenups
"Onew Way to Heaven" Jssie Redman Fauset
"Black Thunder" Countee Cullen
"The Chinaberry Tree" Langstan Hughs
"The grapes of Wrath" John Steinbeck
"Native Son" Richard Wright
"For wwhom the bell tolls" Earnest Hemmingway
Period: to
Post Modernism
"REality isn't what it used to be"
During this period there was a loss in belief in an objective world and an increditability towards meta. -
"Catcher in the Rye" J.D. Salinger
"Inivisible Man" Ralph Ellison
"The Crucible"(Play) Arthur Miller
"To kill a Mockingbird" Harper E. Lee
"A good man is hard to find" Flannen O' Connor
"Beloved" Tani Morrison