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American Welfare

  • Pre-Great Depression

    • first charity organization formed -settled house movements provided homes for the poor -volunteers sought to reduce the gap between rich and poor.
  • Period: to

    Great Depression

    • Progressives first group of social reformers to collect quantitative data on the poor
    • Reason for data collection - to educate society about the poor to promote reform
    • Corruption in social welfare reforms
    • Business people agreed that too much social legislation in one state would be a competitive disadvantage -If Social workers aspired to achieve a professional status, they had to minimize their commitment to social reform
    • Stock market crash
    • thousands were laid off
  • Period: to

    New Deal

    • FDR implemented the new deal
    • Social welfare legislation of the New Deal especially: Social Security Act the Wagner Act, Housing Act
    • Social welfare legislation furthered the division between states and federal governments
    • Aid to Families with Dependent Children: a welfare division of the Social Security Act allowing states to determine their own needs and grants
  • Period: to

    Great Society

    • Social policies went in a more liberal direction
    • Union contracts provided pensions to 10% of production workers
    • Thousands of teachers, screenwriters and social workers lost their jobs
    • Right anti-communism limited the politics of social reform
    • President Johnson signed the civil rights act which barred discrimination established equal opportunity for food stamps
    • President Johnson declared war on poverty, social work profession changed to focus on community organizing
  • Period: to

    Conservative Response

    • Restraints were placed on Social Welfare
    • Reagan condemned most social welfare programs using the social Darwinist philosophy
    • Cut social welfare; slashed public housing; tightened AFDC and reduced spending on food stamps
    • Temporary assistance for Needy Families was implemented
  • Period: to


    • Unemployment increased