American War

  • Start of The Revolutionary War

    America, Spain and France vs. Great Britian.
  • The end of The Revolutionary War

    America won the war because the war was in reality between America and Great Britian. France won decisive battle for America.
  • The start of The American Civil War

    The United States (The northern part of America) vs. The Confederate States (The southern part of America).
  • The end of The American Civil War

    The United States of America (The nothern part of America) won.
  • The start of World War 1

    France, British Empire, Russia (1014-17), Serbia, Montenegro, Belgium, Japan, Italy (1915-18), Portugal (1916-18), Romania (1916-18), Hejaz (1916-18), America (1917-18), Greece (1917-18) and Siam (1917-1918) vs. Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria (1915-18). Also known as Allied Powers vs. Central Powers
  • The end of World War 1

    The Allied Powers won.
  • The start of World War 2

    United States, Soviet Union, Untied Kingdom, China, France, Poland, Canada, Australia, India, Yoguslavia, Greece, Netherlands, Belgium, New Zealand, South Africa, Norway, Denmark, Luxemburg, Czechoslovakia, Ethiophia, Brazil, Mexico, Columbia, Cuba, Philippines and Mongolia vs. Germany (Hitler), Japan and Italy.
  • The end of World War 2

    The allied won
  • The start of the Vietnam War

    South Vietman, United States, South Korea, Thailand, Australia, Nre Zealand, Khmer Republic and Kingdom of Laos vs. North Vietman, China, Viet Cong, Khmer Rouge, Pathet Lao. Also known as Anti-communist vs. Communist
  • The end of The Vietnam War

    The communist forces won
  • The start of The Afghanistan War

    Afghanistan vs. Taliban (America is on Afghanistans side)
  • The start of the Iraq War

    United States, United Kingdom, Australia and Poland vs. Ba'athist Iraq
  • The end of the Iraq War

    America won with help from other countries