
American Transportation

  • Era of Steamboats

    Era of Steamboats
    Steamboat era began in 1787. The first successful August 22nd, 1787. The trial was on the Delaware River by John Fitch.
  • Economy

    Steamboats began to be used for trading goods through the economy. They made it easier and faster to trade any where throughout the colonies. Steamboat building also provided new jobs.
  • First Railroad

    First Railroad
    Tom Thumb was the first American-built steam locomotive used. It convinced people that a new type of transportation had arrived. The railroad produced many advantages. They were faster and could travel on land.
  • Advantages of Railroads.

    Advantages of Railroads.
    Railroads had more advantages over steam boats and canals because they could run year round. The passengers were more safe on a railroad than a steam boat. A steam boat was expensive to make and railroad trains were easily and cheaper made. The railway brought more money in to the economy because an engineer had to drive and it took a crew to run the train.
  • Boomtowns

    Because of the railway cities like Chicago and Los Angeles grew to be big cities. The railway was the cause of this. People would decide they liked it better and stay.