Start of French and Indain War
this war started because the british wanted more land but the french were blocking it so the briish started the war aganist the french for land the native help the french because they treated the natives much better than the british did -
Treaty of Paris
after loseing the war againstthe britsh france gave up all the land west of the applations -
Proclamation of 1763
END of French and Idian war
the end of the french and indian war the british won the war and the french go home -
Sugar act
this act placed taxes on every thing with sugar in it such as tea cake cookies ect. -
Stamp act
the stamp act placed taxes on stamps and made it so all papper must have a stamp to be published and the stamp can only be bought from the british -
town shed act
writs of assisstance
boston massacre
colonists started to throw rocks at british soldiers so the british shot there muskets at the colonist to defend them selfs . samuel adams called this event a massacure to get the colonists attention to support in the revoultion -
Quartering act
british soldiers would go to home to home stay there in stead of them making house for the solldiers they would have colonists take care of them because it was cheaper and did not have to buy as much food for the soldiers -
tea act
Boston tea party
the colonist fed up of the british sneeked on to a britsh ship by pretending to be native americsn and dumped 4000 pounds of tea into the ocean -
intolerable act
• 1st Continental Congress
give me librety or give me death speech
battles of lexington and concord
the start of the american revolution was here the first sjhot of the war starting with only 75 colonist vs 700 british only 8 colonist died then they retreated the british pushed on and there was 1000 miuntemen were waiting at concord -
bunker hill
the colonist set up a defendable bunker on top of a hill and they had the upper addvantage but they were low in gun powder so theywere in formed not to shot tell you see the white of there eyes the colonist runing low in men and gun powder fell back and the british won the battle the were around 100 colonist death and 500 british -
Bunker Hill
declration of independence
the declartion of idpendence is a document wrote by thomas jefferson -
common sence published
thomas jefferson wrote commonsence to tell how silly it was that a tiny island 100 hundreds of miles away was control a big area like america -
Declaration of Independence
battle of saratoga
the battle of the saratoga was the turning point in the revoultion because the france joined the american in fighting the british and france convenced spain to help -
winter of valley forge
wsahington and his men spend months in valley forge and he loses 1/3 of his army to the extreme cold of the winter they had little food and it was hard to keep warm -
battle of york town
• Treaty of Paris 1783