american revoluton

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    2nd Continental Congress

    2nd Continental Congress
    The Second Continental Congress was a convention of the Thirteen Colonies that started meeting in the spring of 1775 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in reaction to the Coercive Acts, a series of measures imposed by the British gov on the colonies in response to their resistance to new taxes. British Parliament passed a series of laws collectively known as the Intolerable Acts, with the intent to suppress unrest in colonial Boston by closing the port and placing it under martial law.
  • Sep 5, 1174

    1st continental congress

    1st continental congress
    The First Continental Congress was a meeting of delegates from twelve of the Thirteen Colonies who met the colonist boycotted. british-On December 1, 1774, the Continental Association was created to boycott all contact with British goods. By reversing the economic sanctions placed on the colonists, the delegates hoped Britain would repeal its Intolerable Acts.
  • Quartering act,

  • sugar act

    sugar act
    2-they clonist had to pay 6% tax on sugar
    3-the colonsit boycotted
    4-the britsh tried smuggling sugar from other countrys
  • currency act

    currency act
    1-september 1st 1764
    2-regulated papper money
    3-created tensions between britian and colonies
    4-they where mad at the colonies
  • Stamp act

    Stamp act
    The Stamp Act was passed by the British on March 22, 1765. The new tax was imposed on all American colonists and required them to pay a tax on every piece of printed paper they used. Ship's papers, legal documents, licenses, newspapers, other publications, and even playing cards were taxed. colonist words-required the colonists to pay a tax, represented by a stamp, on various papers, documents, and playing cards. britsh words-the britsh collected money.
  • Quartering act

    Quartering act
    American colonies to provide the British soldiers with any needed accommodations and housing. It also required colonists to provide food for any British soldiers in the area. colonist react-the colonist where mad cuase they had to support other people and had to give them food and stuff the british soliders had food from the colonist so they where healthy and had food and clothes and support.
  • Declaratory act

    Declaratory act
    it stated that the British Parliament's taxing authority was the same in America as in Great Britain. Parliament had directly taxed the colonies for revenue in the Sugar Act This, combined with protests that had occurred in the colonies and, perhaps more importantly, protests which had arisen in Great Britain from manufacturers who were suffering from the colonies' non-importation agreement stated that the British Parliament's taxing authority was the same in America as in Great Britain.
  • Townsend act

    Townsend act
    the Townshend Acts imposed duties on glass, lead, paints, paper and tea imported into the colonies. Townshend Acts contributed to the colonists' angry reaction. British government to these protests was to repeal the Townshend Acts. They revoked all of the taxes imposed by these acts except for the tax on tea. When the Townshend taxes were imposed, there was a great deal of protest in the colonies.
  • Boston Massacre,

     Boston Massacre,
    what was it about-The Boston Massacre was a street fight that occurred on March 5, 1770, between a "patriot" mob, throwing snowballs stones, and sticks, and a squad of British soldiers. few colonists were killed. how did the colonists feel about the boston massacre-the colonist boycotted and was mad at the britsh. how did the britsh feel about the boston massacre-the Britsh was defending their self so they didnt get hurt but they got in trouble anyway.
  • Tea Act

    Tea Act
    The Tea Act was the final straw in a series of unpopular policies and taxes imposed by Britain on her American colonies. The policy ignited a “powder keg” of opposition and resentment among American colonists and was the catalyst of the Boston Tea Party. the colonist had to pay taxes in thier tea British was making money off of the colonist.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    The Boston Tea Party was a political protest by the Sons of Liberty in Boston, Massachusetts, on December 16, 1773. Samuel Adams and the Sons of Liberty boarded three ships in the Boston harbor and threw 342 chests of tea overboard. This resulted in the passage of the punitive Coercive Acts in 1774 and pushed the two sides closer to war. britsh was mad cuase it was million dollars of tea that was in the harbor.
  • Boston Port Act

    Boston Port Act
    The Boston Port Act was designed to punish the inhabitants of Boston, Massachusetts for the incident that would become known as the Boston Tea Party. The Port Act was one of a series of British Laws referred to as the Intolerable Acts passed by the Parliament of Great Britain 1774. it punished the britsh cause they had rules in there port. colonies where not effected by it.
  • Quebec Act,

    Quebec Act,
    1774 Quebec Act, passed by the British Parliament to institute a permanent administration in Canada replacing the temporary government created at the time of the Proclamation of 1763. It gave the French Canadians complete religious freedom and restored the French form of civil law. britsh had freedom of religion but the colnies had rules of religion.
  • Edenton Tea Party

    Edenton Tea Party
    The Edenton Tea Party was a political protest in Edenton, North Carolina, in response to the Tea Act, passed by the British Parliament in 1773. the colonsit boycotted at the protest british made the act so they where happy about the act
  • ride of Paul Revere

    ride of Paul Revere
    On the evening of April 18, 1775, Paul Revere was summoned by Dr. Joseph Warren of Boston and given the task of riding to Lexington, Massachusetts, with the news that regular troops were about to march into the countryside northwest of . the colonist where warned by pual that the britsh are coming. The britsh was part of the ride they where coming in on ships.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    A declaration of independence or declaration of statehood is an assertion by a defined territory that it is independent and constitutes a state. colnies states where free from other states. britsh was still one big contry.
  • Articles of Confederation

    Articles of Confederation
    The Continental Congress adopted the Articles of Confederation, the first constitution of the United States, on November 15, 1777. However, ratification of the Articles of Confederation by all thirteen states did not occur until March 1, 1781 colonies where happy about the article britsh where effected by the article..
  • Shot heard around the world

    Shot heard around the world
    Historically, no single shot can be cited as the first shot of the battle or the war. Shots were fired earlier at Lexington, where eight Americans were killed and a British soldier was slightly wounded, but accounts of that event are confused and contradictory, and it has been characterized as a massacre rather than a battle it was one of the colonist that fired first so they started the war. britsh fought back and they they lost the war.