American Revolution Timeline (Part 2)

  • Gold Coast Legislative Election ; Declaration of Independence

    Ghana gained their independence from the British from a legislative election. The two are related because both countries gained independence from their colonial masters.
  • Letter from Birmingham Jail ; Common Sense

    The Letter by Martin Luther King Jr. promted the strategy to nonviolent resistance to racism. They are related because King's letter involved a nonviolent strategy and Paine's Common Sense led to the colonists boycotting Britain's taxes.
  • 9/11 ; Boston Massacre

    9/11 was a terriost attack on America. Four planes were stolen and used as a weapon against American citizen by a terrorist group. This particular event is similar to the Boston Massacre because they both started a war, caused massive destruction, and killed many inncent people.
  • Tea Party Movement ; Boston Tea Party

    The Tea Party Movement was a series of protests that began in February of 2009. Its purpose was to oppose excessive taxation while using theme from the American Revolution.The Tea Party Movement and Boston Tea Party are similar because they both focused on the statement "taxation without representation" and they used the same ideas.