French and Indian War
The French and indian war was between the 13 orifinal colonies and The new France. The french and The Indians fought over land. The French and the Indians did not let the Brithish soldiers cross over the appalachian mountains. -
Proclomation of 1763
The French and Indians fought against the red coats over the appalchain mountains so The French and The Indians could keep there lands and goods. -
Stamp Act
The stamp act charges any kind of paper product like toilet paper, cards, writing paper and etc. -
Quarting Act
The quarting act was made to give housing to The British soldiers -
Sugar Act
In 1765 The people were forced to pay tax on imported sugar. people then started looking for ways to get around tax and cuased the economy to go down. -
The Boston Massacre
Theboston massacre was a small war between the british and the colonist. Only 5 colonits were killed by the british -
Tea Act
The Tea act was a act that cuased everyone to be forced to pay taxes on tea that was not as good. -
The Boston Tea Party
The Boston Tea party was a gathering where people dumped more 1000 dollars worth of tea into the harbor -
Intolerable Acts
After the boston tea party the new act was a punishment for those colonist that threw the tea in the harbor -
Battle of Lexington and concord
This battle was the first militaary engagement of the american reveluiony war -
Declaration of Independance
The declaration of Independance was writen to declair our freedom from Britain and to protect us from the government. -
The Article of Confederation First Constitution
The first Constitution Failed because power was not spread equaly throughout the government. -
Battle of Yorktown
When the German battle ended in Yorktown Virginia -
Treaty of Paris: Officially ended in the Am. Rev.
The Treaty of Paris ended the Revolutionary war between Great Britain And the United States. -
New constituiton
The supreme law of the U.S. this is the new version of the first constituion and now it has equal power spread throut the three branches in the goverment -
bill of rights
the first ten amandements of the us constition