World War II ----- Shot Heard Around the World
World War II was the most destructive conflict in history. Germany, Italy, Japan, France, Great Britain, the United States, and the Soviet Union were all involved in World War II. World War II began when the German troops invaded Poland on September 1, 1939. World War II and the Shot Heard Around the World are similar because they were both very aggressive acts. -
9/11 ------- Boston Massacre
9/11 was an event that happened where four planes were hijacked and used as weapons by a terrorist organization. These four planes were used to strike significant U.S sites, many people were killed or extremely injured due to this event. This event is similar to the Boston Massacre because both started a war, both events caused major tensions and anger towards the people that caused the corruption, and many innocent people were killed by people with greater power. -
Boston Tea Party ------ Tea Party Protests
The Tea Party Protests were a series of protests throughout the U.S. The Tea Party Protests used themes from the American Revolution, such as the "Don't Tread on Me" flags. The Boston Tea Party and the Tea Party Protests are similar because they used the same ideas and focused on the same statement "taxation without representation". -
Sugar Act ---- Sweet Act
The Sweet Act was an Act introduced by Rep. Rosa deLauro that proposed tax of one cent per teaspoon of sugar in order to help battle the obesity epidemic. These two acts are similar because they both are proposing taxes on sugar.