American Revolution

By yee1234
  • treaty of paris

    the british end the power of french in america
  • Pontiac rebellion

    rebellion led by chief Pontiac against British in the west
  • proclamation line of 1763

    the British made an act that says that British are not allowed to go out west
  • sugar act

    the british made an act on sugar which lowered the price
  • stamp act

    this was an act the British made to get money it added a tax on stamps also playing cards,wills,diplomas,letters,contracts,and newspapers
  • quartering act

    this act requires all colonist to house soldiers that come to the colonies to protect the colony from the sons of liberty
  • writs of assistance

    the writs of assistance is an act that allows people who think someone is acting suspicious to get their house searched.
  • declaratory act

    this tax said that the British taxes were the same as the colonist taxes
  • Townshend act

    this act taxed tea,paper,lead,and glass
  • boston massacre

    the British shot at the colonist in defense because the colonist were terrorizing the soldiers
  • tea act

    this act taxed tea and gave the right to sell tea to the east india company
  • Boston tea party

    the Boston tea party was when the sons of liberty dressed like Indians and threw tea off a ship into the water
  • coercive acts

    the coercive acts were appealed after the Boston tea party as a punishment to the British
  • first continental congress

    the first continental congress was the first meeting after the intolerable act
  • battle of Lexington and concord

    after British spies saw Lexington and concord and then they sent troops to them both to try to get guns and try to capture Sam Adams and john Hancock
  • second continental congress

    this is the second meeting after the fight that happened. At this meeting they agreed to make an official army, name George Washington as general, and authorize printing of money to pay soldiers
  • second continental congress

    this is the second meeting after the fight that happened. At this meeting they agreed to make an official army, name George Washington as general, and authorize printing of money to pay soldiers
  • battle of bunker hill

    the colonist waited at bunker hill and they didnt shoot intil they saw the britishs eyes
  • Olive Branch Petition

    this petition was a treaty with Britain and it was called the Olive petition because olives represent peace.
  • Common sense

    common sense was a pamphlet made by Thomas pain about how king George was not chosen by god to be king and he is just a regular person
  • Declaration of independence

    the declaration of independence was were the 13 states voted for or against independence and of course the for it side won.
  • battle of Trenton

    When George Washington kept loosing and wanted a win so he did a surprise attack on the hessian on Christmas eve
  • Battle of Saratoga

    the British tried to attack the the colonist but the colonist had defenses and surrounded the British
  • winter at valley forge

    the colonist were forced to retreat from Philadelphia and it was very cold and the soldiers only had small blankets and no shoes or warm clothing.
  • battle of Yorktown

    the battle of Yorktown is the final battle were the British surrender.
  • treaty of Paris

    this is the treaty that gave Americans their independence.