American Journalism

  • Colonial news pre 1690

    Colonial news pre 1690
    during sixteenth and seventeenth century england, printing newspapers was banned by the government. people got most news from letters and copied news reports onto their diaries and journals. most citizens purchased seperates. Seperates were manuscript copies of speeches and reports of events.
  • First Newspaper

    First Newspaper
    The first newspaper was printed by Benjamin Harris in 1960. the paper was titled public occurnces both foreign and domestic. only one edition was published before the story was suppressed by the government
  • count of papers in the US in 1750

    count of papers in the US in 1750
    there were 31 newspapers published in the 1750's
  • count of papers in the US in 1770's

    count of papers in the US in 1770's
    there were 92 newspapers published in the 1770's
  • First Amendment

    First Amendment
    the first amendment of the US Constitution Allows for the freedom of the press.
  • Penny Press

    Penny Press
    penny press were small, cheap newspapers thst were available to the poor and common people. they costed only one cent and the papers often reported murder scandals and gossip rather than serious discussions.
  • James Gordon Bennett

    James Gordon Bennett
    James Gordon Bennett was the editor, founder and publisher of the new york herald.
  • Horace Greeley, 1841

    Horace Greeley, 1841
    Horace Greeley was a newspaper editor, founder of the liberal republican party, a politician and a opponent of slavery. Greeley founded and edited the new york tribune. Greeley used his papers to promote the whig and republican parties.
  • Joseph Pulitzer

    Joseph Pulitzer
    Joseph Pulitzer was a newspaper publisher for the St. Louis Dispatch and the New York World. Pulitzer created the techniques of new journalism, he also used yellow journalism.
  • Yellow Journalism

    Yellow Journalism
    Yellow Journalism was a technique in which journalists would use eye catching headlines and little facts to report news.
  • Muckraking

    Muckraking refers to journalists who wrote for magazines and used investigative journalism reporting.
  • William Randolph Hearst

    William Randolph Hearst
    William Randolph Hearst was a newspaper publisher for the San Francisco Examiner. Hearst built the worlds largest newspaper chain and created yellow journalism.