
American Inventions/Discoveries

  • Swivel Chair

    Swivel Chair
    Swivel Chair Information The first swivel chair was invented by Thomas Jefferson. It may not be a revolutionary invention, but it is quite useful. I think every teacher in this school spends most of their day on a swivel chair.
  • Cotton Gin

    Cotton Gin
    The cotton gin was used to separate seeds from cotton. It proved to be a much faster and less expensive method. It was created by Eli Whitney. It's called the cotton gin becuase gin is short for engine.
  • Telephone

    Alexander Graham Bell was the inventor of the first telephone. He had been experimenting with devices to help people who had impaired hearing. Telephones are still used in most American homes today.
  • Airplane

    Flying machines have been around since the renaissance, but no one had invented the airplane. The Wright brothers built a lab and studied aerodynamics with wings. Their discoveries have led to modern day aircraft.
  • Dummy Tank

    Dummy Tank
    Dummy tanks could be made out of wood, or inflatable. Their purpose was to make the enemy think that we had many more tanks than we really did. This invention saved tens of thousands of lives in WWII.
  • Cyclotron Atom-Smasher

    Cyclotron Atom-Smasher
    The atom smasher weighs about 220 tons. It was used as a source to create high-energy beams. Smashing atoms helps scientists learn and make new discoveries.
  • Transistor

    Transistor History The first transistor was created at Bell Labs. It was about the size of an ipod classic. It was more efficient, compact, and stable compared to vaccum tubes.
  • Sketchpad

    Sketchpad was a new computer program created by Ivan Sutherland. It was a big part of today's CAD programs and computer graphics. The graphical user interface was derrived from Sketchpad.
  • Starun V Rocket

    Starun V Rocket
    Saturn V Rocket Information NASA launched 13 Saturn V Rockets into space, with no casualties. It is the tallest, heaviest, and most powerful rocket to ever be operational. It is still the only vehicle to trransport humans beyond low Earth orbit.

    ARPANET stands for Advanced Reasearch Projects Agency Network. It was one of the worlds first digital communications network. It led to one of the greatest inventions of all time, the internet.
  • Voyager 1

    Voyager 1
    Voyager 1 Information Voyager 1 was made to take pictures of our solar system and send feedback. Right now it is about 11.5 billion miles away. It is expected to pass the boundaries of our solar system within the decade.
  • 3D Printing

    3D Printing
    3D printing, or stereolithography was invented by Chuck Hull. It allows you to make a three dimensional solid object. It was not until 2010 that they became widely available for commercial use.
  • Macintosh 128K

    Macintosh 128K
    This was the original Macintosh Personal Computer. It had a 9 inch screen, a keyboard, and a mouse. The intial price of it was $2,945, which was a very cheap price for the technology it had.
  • Roomba

    The roomba is a robotic vacuum cleaner that cleans by itself. It uses the same navigation algorithm as bomb disposal units used by the military. As of February 2014 over million units have been sold worldwide
  • Curiosity Mars Rover

    Curiosity Mars Rover
    Curiosity is a car sized rover sent to explore Gale Crater on Mars. The rover was manufactured by Lockheed Martin and Boeing. Curiostiy's mission is to explore Mars and tell us more about it and it's past.