American Imperialism Project

  • America's Acquistion of Alaska

    America's Acquistion of Alaska
    William Seward, the Secretary of State under Presidents Lincoln and Johnson, encouraged the acquisition of Alaska. In 1867, America bought Alaska from Russia for $7.2 million. And in 1959, Alaska became a state. This acquisition proved profitable due to Alaska's natural resources such as timber, minerals and oil.
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    American Imperialism

    Global competition caused America to expand its territories. American Leaders thought that America should be like European countries and have overseas territories. Three reasons that encouraged American imperialism was the desire for military strength, desire for new opportunities, and the belief in American cultural superiority.
  • Acquisition of Hawaii

    Acquisition of Hawaii
    Hawaii was used from the 1790s as a refueling port for ships and had many American-owned sugar plantations in the mid-19th century. Hawaii’s monarchy was overthrown when a group of businessmen and sugar planters forced Queen Liliuokalani to abdicate in 1893. This led to the dissolving of the Kingdom of Hawaii two years later, its annexation as a U.S. territory, and eventual admission as the 50th state in the union.
  • Spanish American War

    Spanish American War
    The Spanish-American war begins after a mysterious explosion caused the USS Maine to sink in the harbor. American long resented Spain for its treatment of Cuba. The US declared war on Spain. Finally, the Treaty-of-Paris was signed by both countries, it declared a cease-fire, made Spain give Cuba their freedom. give Guam and Puerto Rico to the US. Some disagreed with these annexations and the treaty, that it violated self-government to new territories.
  • Puerto Rico

    Puerto Rico
    In 1898 US forces took over the island. And by December, when the Treaty of Paris was signed, Puerto Rico officially belonged to the US. Puerto Rico was important for US presence in the Caribbean and for the future Panama Canal. It was under military rule, until the Foraker Act which created a civil government. In 1917, Congress granted US citizenship to Puerto Ricans.
  • America and Cuba

    America and Cuba
    When the US declared War against Spain and they accepted Cuba's independence. With the Teller Amendment, we said we wouldn't take over Cuba.
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    America and Cuba

    In 1903, the Platt Amendment to the Cuban constitution stated United States reserved the right to intervene in Cuba, make treaties that would limit its independence, Cuba was to not go into debt that it couldn't repay, and the US could buy or lease land on Cuba for naval purposes. Cubans were reluctant and protested against this, however in 1903 they agreed to the amendment. And Cuba became a US protectorate.
  • America and the Philippines

    America and the Philippines
    The terms of the Treaty of Paris angered the Filipinos resulting in a rebellion. The US responded by sending troops to control the Filipinos.The revolt was defeated and the US set up a government, where the US president would appoint a governor who would then appoint the legislature. Eventually, the Philippines were independent republic on July 4, 1945
  • America and China

    America and China
    In 1899, US Secretary-of-State John Hays issued the "Open Door Notes" stating that no nation would monopolize trade with China. Then the Boxer Rebellion in 1900, American and ally troops beat the Chinese Boxers who were killing of US and foreign missionaries. The Boxers were angry with the foreign influence in their cities. A second "Open Door Notes" stating the US would safeguard free trade with China. It established US economic dependence on exports and the right to keep foreign markets open.
  • Theodore Roosevelt and the World

    Theodore Roosevelt and the World
    Roosevelt's Foreign Policy showed the world America's power and it's right to police any European government from interfering in the Western world. He added the "Roosevelt Corollary" to the Monroe Doctrine, which said the US had a duty to deny any government it saw as hostile or oppressive to US interests. He started plans for the Panama Canal. He negotiated the peace deal between Russia and Japan. He helped establish peace through America strength.
  • Woodrow Wilson and the World

    Woodrow Wilson and the World
    Woodrow Wilson pressured Mexico and other countries in the Western Hemisphere to create democratic governments. He had a "missionary diplomacy" ideology to prevent any oppressive or hostile government in Latin America. Mexican Revolution tested this idea, the US intervened and after years of conflict, US and Mexico settled.