American Imperialism

  • Purchase of Alaska

    Purchase of Alaska
    The purchase of Alaska was the one of the first ways that America imperialized and took over land. Alaska, while at the time was not very beneficial, has proved America with large amounts of oil.
  • Pan-American Conference

    The Pan-American Conference created an alliance of some sort to create a cooperation on trade and other issues. This saw the United States and gaining power and becoming the face of the Western Hemisphere.
  • Annexation of Hawaii

    Hawaii gave the United States power in the Pacific Ocean and lots of sugar plantations. It helped naval fleets by creating a base where the ships could fuel up.
  • The Sinking of the Maine

    the sinking of the US battleship Maine started what is what most people think of as American Imperialism. America got into this war and got a lot out of it, including Puerto Rico, the Philippines, and Guam.
  • Treaty of Paris in Congress

    This treaty annexed the Philippines and the anti-imperialists came up two votes short. This shows that most people wanted to imperialize and spread throughout the world. The Philippines were furious and soon after started a war for their independence.
  • Election of 1900(after the Spanish-American War)

    The election showed were the hearts of the people were at. From the victory in the war, the candidate with the war hero as his Vice President of course won. This along wit the victory over the Spanish helped other nations recognize that the United States was a first-class power.
  • Boxer Rebellion

    The Boxer Rebellions was a rebellion of Chinese that tried to push out foreigners and then got pushed around themselves. The US along with other nations brought troops in a forced China to pay large amounts of indemnities. This shows that the US is not afraid to take action and shows how weak China had became.