American Imperialism

  • Period: to

    American Imperialism

  • US purchases Alaska

    US Secretary of state William Seward purchase alaska from Russia for $7.2 million
  • Publication of the de Lome letter

    It was recieve by the Cubans and sent it to the Hearts so they cab cooparate then for their country's agressive
  • USS Maine sinks

    It is a ship that was outbreaks in the spanish-american war
  • Spanish American War

    A battle between Spain and Americans for the expansion USS and the independece of cuba
  • Battle of Kettle Hill

    It was another battle in the american-spain war
  • US Annexes Hawaii

    Is a paper that will establish culture and long history when the first european James Cook step on foot in Hawaii
  • Platt Amendment

    It's treaty of limiting Cuban's rights
  • Hay-Herran Treaty

    A agreement between the united states and colombia letting US have the controll of the panal.
  • Panama Canal is completed

    The panama canal was done but the ceremony was down due to the war world 2
  • Battle of Manilla

    It was a major battle in the Philippine during the WWII
  • Alaska becomes a state

    President Eisenhower sign a proclamation that made alaska the 49th largest state in america
  • Hawaii becomes a state

    Hawaii became the 50th state in america