
American Imperialism

  • Period: to

    The United States' Quest for World Power

    The United States and their involvment in the Spanish-American War
  • Free Cuba

    Free Cuba
    Cuba forces Spain to abolish slavery. U.S capitailists invest millions in sugar cane plantations
  • Cuba Revolts

    Cuba Revolts
    Jose Marti starts the revolution against Spain, they deliberately destroy American owened sugar plantaions. They were trying to attract America's attention, and get them to intervene
  • Spains Response to The Cuban Revolt

    Spains Response to The Cuban Revolt
    1896, Spain responded to the Cuban revolution by sending Gen. Valeriano Weyler to Cuba to restore order. Weyler rebelled by sending the entire rural population of central ans western Cuba into barbed wire concentration camps. 300,000 Cubans filled these camps & thousands died from disease.
  • Cuban Concentration Camps

    Cuban Concentration Camps
    Spain sends General Valeriano to Cuba to contain the rebellion. He put the rural Cuban population into concentraton camps. There was an estimated 300,000 Cubans in these camps.
  • Yellow Journalism Begins

    Yellow Journalism Begins
    William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer, began printing exaggerating news on the war. This was done an attempt to create more sales, and make more money
  • de Lome Letter Published

    de Lome Letter Published
    The New York Journal published a letter written by Enrique Dupuy de Lome, who was the spanish minister for the United States. The letter ctitized the president, this outraged the American people
  • U.S.S. Maine Explosion

    U.S.S. Maine Explosion
    Pres. McKinley had ordered the U.S.S Maine to Cuba to bring home American citizens in danger from the fighting and to protect American property. Feb. 15, 1898 , the ship blew up in the harbor of Havana, Cuba. More than 260 men were killed.
  • Invasion of Cuba

    Invasion of Cuba
    United States forces land on the coast of Cuba, these forces were made up of 17,000 men including the Rough Riders, and four African American regiments. They were under armed and used surplus Civil War Armoury.
  • Rough Riders Attack

    Rough Riders Attack
    The most famous land battle occured near Santiago, when Roosevelt and the Rough Riders charge up Kettle Hill, Although the newspapers called it the charge of San Juan Hill.
  • Invasion of Puerto Rico

    Invasion of Puerto Rico
    The 108-mile-long, 40-mile-wide island was one of Spain's two priciple possessions, although U.S forces saw little resistance, and lost only 1 large man
  • U.S. Signs a Cease Fire

    U.S. Signs a Cease Fire
    U.S. & Spain signed an armstice, a cease fire agreement, ending what Secratary of the State John Hay called, "A Splended Little War." On Dec. 10, 1898 the U.S. and Spain met in Paris to agree on a treaty, which resulted in Spain freed cuba and turned over the the islands of Guam in the Pacific and Puerto Rico in the West Indiesto the U.S. also sold The Phillipines to the U.S. for $20 million, because of a debate over the treaty.
  • McKinley on Philipines

    McKinley on Philipines
    McKinley told a group of Methodist ministers that he prayed for guidence on the Phillipine annexation and had concluded, "That there was nothing left for us to do, but to take them all aand to educate the Philipine natives and to lift and Christianize them.
  • Lease of Guantanamo Bay

    Lease of Guantanamo Bay
    The United Sates had interest in Guantanamo Bay as a naval base. The lease was sighned in Feb. 1903. The United States cintinuesd to use the southern portion of Guantanamo Bay for a naval base even through the Spanish-American War.
  • Puerto Rico Becomes American

    Puerto Rico Becomes American
    Congress extended U.S. citizenship to Puerto Ricans and gave them the right to elect both houses of their legislature