American History II

  • Pendleton Act of 1883

    After President Garfield was assassinated, this act was created. It stated that people running for public office had to go through civil service exams.
  • McKinley Tariff

    This tariff was created to increase prices on imports from other countries. It attempted to get people to buy American made goods.
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    Spanish- American War

    U.S declares war on Cuba after a letter from Lome saying our president is weak and our ship the U.S maine is blown up in their harbor. The war ends after we fight the battle of San Juan hill in the Phillipines and show we can beat them with one hit.
  • Cuban Invasion- San Juan Hill

    Theodore Roosevelt takes a group called the "Rough Riders" to fight in Cuba. They win with the strategy of taking one of their main guns on a hill and then shooting the other gun hills with this gun.
  • Wilmington Race Riot

    When black men go vote in Wilmington, NC, they are attacked and 14 men are killed. This begins the rise of Jim Crowe laws in North Carolina.
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    Theodore Roosevelt Presidency

    He became president after Mckineley was assassinated. He was a big hero in the Spanish American War and his foreign policy is summed up in "speak softly and carry a big stick."
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    The Panama Canal

    The U.S wanted to build a canal for ships to pass through but the Columbian Government would not allow it. To get what they wanted, America helped Panama gain independence in trade for letting us have and use the Panama canal. It took about 10 years to create.
  • Triangle Shirtwaist Fire

    When a staircase door is locked and a fire is started in a shirt making factory in New York City, 146 workers are killed. This begins an increase in safety regulations for industries and factories.
  • Election of 1912

    Teddy Roosevelt runs after gettingTaft elected when he didn't function how Teddy wanted him too. The votes are split between Roosevelt and Taft and Woodrow Wilson wins.
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    Woodrow Wilson Presidency

    Woodrow Wilson won when both Taft and Roosevelt were running. He runs again after his first term with the slogan that "he kept us out of the war." He has America enter WW1 after the Zimmerman telegram.
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    World War 1

    When the duke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated, war broke out between Serbia and Austria-Hungary. Countries all over took up sides with their allies and soon enough almost all of Europe was involved. Long range causes include nationalism, imperialism, dictatorships, and militarism.
  • Lusitania

    The Lusitania was an American ship with American civilians aboard. Germany sank it after warning us to stay out of specific waters. Angered, the Lustiania sinking is a reason we join the war.
  • Zimmerman Telegram

    Germany saw us as a threat in WW1, and to try and keep us from joining, they sent a telegram to Mexico asking them to fight us for Texas and their old land in offer to help them win this war. They also asked them to tell Japan to hate us as well, if they were interested. This is the main factor contributing to the US joining WW1.
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    The manufacturing or consumption of alcohol became illegal by the 18th ammendment. People thought that alcohol increased domestic abuse due to drunken husbands. Bootleggers and speak easies were created.
  • Schneck v. United States

    During ww1, the draft was in use and a man, Schneck, was speaking out against the draft, saying it wasn't fair to force us to go and discouraging people to fight. The US wanted to arrest him, but it was unconstitutional because he has freedom of speech. They decided ones constitutional rights can be taken away in a time of clear and present danger.
  • Treaty of Versailles - 1919

    New Nations are created and Germany owes billions for the war since the war guilt is pinned on them. Russia is excluded from all the discussions and the problems in Asia are ignored.
  • The 19th Amendment

    Women get the right to vote after pushing the suffrage movement. Women had worked hard during World War I so it was a natural step.
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    William Harding Presidency

    Harding promised a return to normalcy. He rejected the league of nations, but got serveral nations to reduce their arms after WW1. He took bribes from oil contractors (Teapot Dome scandal).
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    Harding Presidency

    Harding was president up until his death in 1923. His economic choices built up a thin bottom in the economy which would soon give out. contributing to the crash in '29.
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    Herbert Hoover Presidency

    Hoover was in charge during the great Depression. He sucked and his attempts to help did nothing, and those who were moving away or had no homes lived in little shacks in groups called Hooverviles.
  • Stock Market Crash

    When everyone tried to sell their stock before their prices dropped, the stock market crashed and stock became worthless. 30 billion dollars in wealth dissapeared by two weeks later.
  • Election of 1932

    Everyone hated Hoover, so Franklin D. Roosevelt beat him by a landslide. He promised to help the economy with his idea of "the New Deal."
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    FDR Presidency

    FDR got America out of the great depression with his new deal program which provided new jobs. He had polio and was the only president to serve 3 terms until his death.
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    The Dust Bowl

    The combination of drought and prairie winds causes the Great Plains to have dust storma. This kills the crops and most farmers lose everything and migrate.
  • Blitzkrieg

    Germany developed this tactic- attacking in 2 or more different places at the same time. This forced their enemy to slow down and take some time to decide where to defend first, giving Germany more time to invade.
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    World War 2

    World War 2 was partially caused because of the failure of the Treaty of Versailles which left many countries economy ruined, especially Germany. The rise of dictators such as Hitler offered to fix this economy, and began succeeded and with their miliarism, nationalism, imperialism, and the rise of other dicators lead to WW2.
  • Lend Lease Act

    The president passed the lend lease act which stated that America could lend or/and lease goods to any allies of the US during WW2. If we believed they would defend us, we would lend them what they need.
  • Treaty of Versailles 1945 (second try is a charm)

    United nations is founded and the Atomic Age begins with the bomb droppings. Arms are reduced in the Axis powers.
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    Atomic Bombs

    Nuclear bombs are dropped on Nagisaki and Hiroshima to end WWII. Many debate that Japan was going to surrender and the bombs weren't neccessary.
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    The Cold War

    The cold war was an ongoing tension between America and Russia because of our fear of communism. There were never any battles or attack plans, only defense plans by both countries.
  • Marshall Plan

    A plan to rebuild countries who need help and influence them to choose deomcracy. We provide economic aid and protection.
  • Montgomery bus Boycotts

    Organized yb Martin Luther King Jr., many African Americans refused to ride the bus due to discrimination. The infamous Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white passenger.
  • Interstate Highway System

    Presidnt Eisenhower signed a bill on this date declaring that the U.S would build a 41,000 mile road across the country. The main purpose was so the U.S could transfer our defense if we were under attack.
  • U-2 Incident

    During the Cold War, America sent a spy plane to spy on Russia and they found it. It pisses them offf (as it would anyone) and they threaten to bury us. Needless to say, we don't send anymore spy planes.
  • Election of 1960

    John F. Kennedy wins after debating Nixon on TV. Nixon appeared weak due to having the flu.
  • Bay of Pigs Invasion

    When Communist Fidel Castro comes into power in Cuba, the US trains Cuban rebels to kill him. The assassination fails and tensions with Cuba strengthen.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    After the US' failed attempt to kill Castro, Russia gives Cuba nuclear missiles. We feel threatened and prepare for war.
  • Voting RIghts Act of 1965

    This was an act that enforced the voting of blacks. It no longer followed the grandfather clause.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1968

    This kept people from decriminating and withholding housing because of factors such as religion, race, etc. They could no longer withhold loans.
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    President Nixon Presidency

    Nixon is known for holding peace talks to support Israel and make peace in the middle east. He started the war on drugs and is best known for his watergate scandal where he spent spies into the Democratic headquaters before the election.
  • Camp David Accords

    Carter talks with leaders of Israel and Egypt about a peace treaty to help ease tensions in the middle east. This emphasizes our unconditional support of Israel.
  • Election of 1980

    Reagan wins and defeats Carter. He has his "Reaganomics" plan to improve the economy.
  • Air Traffic Controller Strike

    13,000 workers demanded better pay and when only 2,000 went back to work, Reagan fired the rest. He claimed others could be trained for their jobs.
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    Reagan Presidency

    Reagan is the favorited president. He spent the most money a president ever has in office, mainly to support our troops. He used "Reaganomics" to improve the economy where in theory the money started at the top, and worked its way down.
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    Bill Clinton Presidency

    Clinton pushed for war on drugs. They attempted to empeach him after he had an affair, calling him out for something all presidents do, but they failed.

    Nafta is put into effect by Bill Clinton. It causes trade to become free between countries of North America. Thousands lose their jobs in America as jobs move to where there are no labor laws.
  • Election of 2000

    George Bush beats Al Gore. Al Gore demands recount as the election was very close and they even announced him as the winner first.
  • 9/11 Terrorist attacks.

    2 planes hijacked by al queda members crash into the world trade center, attacking our country. Another plane crashes into the Pentagon, and another in a field when the passengers overtook it.
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    Obama Presidency

    Obama beat republican John McCain in the 2008 election. He is the first black president and is currently still in office.
  • Election of 2008

    Obama beats John McCain. He becomes the first black president.