Expansion in foreign involvment
The United States becoming involvced with other countries is what would lead to issues and agreements. If we did not get involved, WWI wouldn't have occured. We also wouldn't have even had to of tried for post-war peace. -
The Progressive Era/ Child Labor
People were becoming obsessed with money and were almost doing anything possible for more. when others saw this was an issue, they worked for a safe and efficiant work place, along with good education. Theodore Roosevelt had a stong voice when it came to the spread of progressivism. -
Immigration Increase
People were traveling here for jobs. They went to cities and people knew they would work for less. Immigration became so large that restrictions had to be made. -
treaty of versailles
to end the war a treaty was created. We wanted to end all issues with Germany. We said we would help with all of the damaged caused. -
The End of the Progressive Era
world War I was said to be "the war to end all wars". Although this wasn't true in the rest of American History, it did help put an end to the prgressive Era. Some would argue will this, but the war would make a big difference in american's lives. -
The creation of CFR
The was craeted to help people understand foriegn affairs. This was created at a time when people were still trying to understand. It all started after WWI, most likely in hopes to prevent another war. -
The beginning of becoming distant
before WWII The United States government started to distance America. Before the war, we tried to stay distant form Europe and Asia. Isolationism was what we thought was a good and safe idea for the country. -
The Great Depression
After the stock market crashed, the United States had a problem getting back on it's feet. Everyhting started to go wrong, people and even banks had no money. People will never forget this time, and history should not repeat itself. -
The Holocaust
During WWII the Holocaust was taking place. Although this did not take place in america, it still had a huge effect on our nation. It showed us history we did not want to repeat and how the United States did not need to get involved in horrible issues like that in our own country, -
Pearl Harbor
The Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor killing many people. This involved us in foreign affairs. This is what would cause the issues between our countries. This event lead us into war. -
The Baby Boom
After World War II, the economy grew and so did the population. Families began moving to cities and suburbs. America started to grow again. -
Ike's New Look
The focus on nuclear warfare. In particular, using it on the Soviet Union. This was all to try and put a stop to the spread of communism. -
The Korean War
All in an attept to help stop the spread of communism, the war started. The war became violent and military spending increased greatly. There was also the scare of nuclear warfare. -
People were accused of being communists. Communism was a huge concern during this time and wasn't getting better. It all seemed to have started by lack of trust. -
Civil Rights Movement
The goal was for people of all races to be treated equally, African Americans in particular. MLK is one of the most well known civil rights activists. Eventually through hard war, Africans Americans would earn the rights and respects promised by the United States Constitution. -
9/11 terrorist attack
On this day in history, United States airplanes were high jacked and flown into not only the twin towers, but other buildings as well. Thousands were killed and this day will go down as one of the most tramatic days in United States history. It is still remembered today. -
the Iraq War
This war lasted until 2011. Many American soldiers lost their lives during this war. It is history for our current generation, we actually experienced the era and issues due to war. -
The First African American President
Years after the cold war, we would elect our first Amerian American presdient. Barrck Obama was sworn in on January 20, 2009. This was a big deal because we had never had an African American president, this is history. -
beginning "the new deal"
Although the new deal technichally strt5ed early, it grew and developed into something more between the years. This deal would make it so America could grow again. Hopefully creating jobs and decreasing unemployment. -
"Black Tuesday"
This important event is actually what lead up to the depression. This is when the stock market crashed and people lost all of their money. One day effected a whole country for many years. -
Creation of the GI Bill
This gave veterans the ability to go to college. It also provided them a chance to be able to own a home. This is an example of how America works to help people in need, especially in developing socially.