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American history

By Berfin
  • The first settlers

    The first settlers
    The first settlers arrived in 1607, in Jamestown, Virginia
  • The first settlers

    The first settlers
    The Pilgrims fathers hope to find a religious freedom.
  • An independent nation

    An independent nation
    This date represented the declaration of independence.
  • An independent nation

    An independent nation
    The first president of USA was George Washington.
  • The civil war

    The civil war
    This date represent the civil war. The origin is Eleven Southern states refused to abolish slavery.
  • The civil war

    The civil war
    In 1865, Abraham Lincoln was assasinated and the declaration of independence was abolished.
  • The great depression

    The great depression
    The stock market crashed and 10 millions Americans lost their jobs.
  • The great depression

    The great depression
    Roosevelt created a slogan : " a New Deal for american people "
  • WWII

    The USA entered in the second world war in 1941.
  • WWII

    The USA dropped two atomics bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan.
  • The years of protest

    The years of protest
    They were demonstrations against the war in Vietnam and the racial segregation.
  • The years of protest

    The years of protest
    John Kennedy was assasinated in 1963.
  • Nine-eleven

    In September 11th 2001, two hijacke planes crashed into the Twins towers of the world trade center in NY. They collapsed.