American History

  • Wilson's Presidency Term

    Woodrow Wilson was the 28th president of the United States, and was the president during World War 1
    March 4, 1921
  • WWI

    World War 1, also known as The Great War was a global war that originated in Europe, and ended on November 11, 1918
  • Lusitania sank

    Lusitania sank
    The Lusitania was a passenger ocean liner owned by the British, that was sunk by a german submarine in World War 1
  • Great Migration

    The Great Migration created the first urban black communities in the North, it lasted through the years of 1916-1918
  • First Woman Elected to Congress

    First Woman Elected to Congress
    Jeannette Rankin was the first woman elected to congress. She was a republican from the state of Montana. She was elected to the House of Representatives. She was elected on November 9, 1916 and served from 1917-1919. She then continued to win a second house term 24 years later in 1940. Rankin was the only member of congress to vote against declaring war on Japan after the attack on Pearl Harbor.
  • Selective Service Act

    The Selective Service Act authorized the federal government to bring forth a national army through the enlistment of people for the entry into World War 1
  • Espionage Act

    The act intended to prohibit interference with military operations, and prevent the support of United state enemies during war time.
  • Lenin led a Russian Revolution

    The revolution led by Vladimir Lenin overthrew the Provisional Government, and eventually shifted the capitol to Moscow.
  • Influenza (flu) epidemic

    The Influenza epidemic infected said 500 million people across the world, and resulted in the deaths of 50-100 million, 3-5% or the world population at that time in history. It lasted roughly 2 years, ended in the year of 1920
  • Wilson's 14 points

    The fourteen points, a statemnet given by president Woodrow Wilson, were principles for peace that were used for peace negotiations in order end World War 1
  • Sedition Act

    The Sedition Act was an act presented by congress as a extension of the Espionage Act to cover a broader range of offenses. It stated that people or countries can not say negative things about government or war
  • Schenk vs. US

    A court case concerning the Espionage Act, and the first amendment protecting Freedom of speech. In the end the court ruled that the defendent was not protected under the first amendment because it created a clear and present danger to the enlisting of the US armed forces. it was argued January 8-10, 1919 and the final ruling was decided on March 3, 1919
  • US rejects League of Nations membership

    The league of Nations was an international organization created after World War 1 in hopes to provide a way to resolve international disputes, but The US senate was never able to get the two thirds majority it needed to become part of The League of Nations
  • US Senate reject Treaty of Versailles

    The US senate rejected the Treaty of Versailles mainly based on objections to the League of Nations
  • Prohibition

    The prohibition was a nation wide ban on importation, sale, and transportations of alcoholic beverages. There were rules that defined what types of alcoholic beverages were banned. An example is that religious uses of wine were allowed. Private ownership and consumption of alcohol was not outlawed under the federal government, but in many areas the local laws were much stricter, some states banned it outright. It remained in place from 1920-1933
  • 19th Amendment

    The 19th Amendment was ratified in August of 1920 and gave woman the right to vote.
  • Hollywood sign

    Hollywood sign
    The Hollywood sign was is located in Los Angeles, California. It was originally created as an advertisement for local real estate development. It originally read "HOLLYWOODLAND". The cost of the project at that time was $21,000. Originally it was only supposed to last a year and a half, but was left there because it became internationally recognized in American Cinema during the Golden Age of Hollywood.
  • Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade

    Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade
    The first parade was called Macy's Christmas Day Parade, although it took place on Thanksgiving Day. In the original parade the floats were pulled by horses. The idea of the parade was created my Macy's employees, many of whom were European immigrants, to celebrate the Christmas season and is rooted in their homeland traditions of festivals.
  • SAT

    the very first SAT was given to 8,000 students. They had 97 minutes to answer 315 questions on nine subjects.
  • Mercedes Benz

    Mercedes Benz
    Mercedes Benz originates from Karl Benz who was the creator of the first petrol-powered car, but the first car with the mercedes-Benz brand name was in 1926 following the merge of Karl Benz and Gottlieb Diamler.