American History

  • Jamestown Founded

    Jamestown Founded
    Jamestown was America's first permanent settlement.
  • Three things happened on this date:

    Three things happened on this date:
    1. The first legislative government was established
    2. The first slaves arrived in America
    3. The first families arrived in Jamestown
  • Pilgrims land at Plymouth Rock

    Pilgrims land at Plymouth Rock
    America’s first colony to be based on religious principle
  • Puritans came to Massachusetts

    Puritans came to Massachusetts
    First large wave of immigrants came to America, bringing a unique perspective on life.
  • Anne Hutchinson

    Anne Hutchinson
    Anne Hutchinson banished from Massachusetts for her religious views. She then founded Rhode Island.
  • King William’s War

    King William’s War
    This was the beginning of the hostilities between the Native Americans, the Colonists, the British, and the French
  • Salem Witch Trials

    Salem Witch Trials
    Shows that America is susceptible to mass hysteria
  • The French and Indian War

    The French and Indian War
    War between French and British with Native tribes on both sides. Fought over land and trade that would result in France losing land and English in serious debt.
  • The Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act
    Americans were taxed for stamps without being able to vote.
  • The Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre
    Tension between the colonies and British became violent.
  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party
    Americans were so upset by the Tea Act of 1773 that they destroyed a ship-load of tea.
  • The Shot Heard Round the World

    The Shot Heard Round the World
    Battle of Lexington and Concord.
  • The Declaration of Independence signed

    The Declaration of Independence signed
    The 13 Colonies officially said “We’re not British anymore!
  • The US Constitution signed

    The US Constitution signed
    The United States create their own form of government.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    President Thomas Jefferson authorizes purchase of the Louisiana territory from France and United States.
  • War of 1812 with Britain

    War of 1812 with Britain
    War between Britain and America lasting for two and half years over trade and naval restrictions.
  • Underground Railroad established

    Underground Railroad established
    A network of secret routes and safe houses to help slaves escape to freedom in the North.
  • Samuel Morse sends first telegraph message

    Samuel Morse sends first telegraph message
    This changes the face of communication for the entire world and allows information to spread more quickly and easily than ever before.
  • Abraham Lincoln is elected President

    Abraham Lincoln is elected President
    Abraham Lincoln was from the northern part of the country and wanted to put an end to slavery. The southern states didn't want him president or making laws that would affect them.
  • South Carolina Secedes

    South Carolina Secedes
    South Carolina was the first state to secede, or leave, the United States. They decided to make their own country rather than be part of the USA. Within a few months several other states including Georgia, Mississippi, Texas, Florida, Alabama, and Louisiana would also leave the Union.
  • The Confederation is formed

    The Confederation is formed
    The southern states form their own country called the Confederate States of America. Jefferson Davis is their president.
  • The Civil War Begins

    The Civil War Begins
    hostilities began when Confederate forces fired upon Fort Sumter, a key fort held by Union troops in South Carolina.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    President Lincoln issues an executive order freeing slaves.
  • The Battle of Gettysburg

    The Battle of Gettysburg
    A major battle where the North not only wins the battle, but starts to win the Civil War.
  • Lincoln assassinated

    Lincoln assassinated
    Lincoln was assassinated 5 days after the surrender of Robert E. Lee (after the Civil War ended)
  • The Civil War Ends

    The Civil War Ends
    General Robert E. Lee, the leader of the Confederate Army, surrenders to General Ulysses S. Grant at The Appomattox Court House in Virginia.
  • The Model T is built by Henry Ford

    The Model T is built by Henry Ford
    He creates the assembly line to mass produce cars
    This is what is known as the Second Industrial Revolution
    The assembly line revolutionizes American industry
  • The Beginning of the Great Depression

    The Beginning of the Great Depression
    The stock market crashed. This was the beginning of the Great Depression. Millions of people lost jobs. It was a time of hunger and uncertainty. Roosevelt creates numerous government programs to try and combat this during the following decade.
  • The Attack on Pearl Harbor

    The Attack on Pearl Harbor
    WWI had been fought 20 years earlier. Now Europe and Japan were at war again. Japan conducted a sneak attack on Hawai'i. This brought us into the war.
  • U.S. drops two atomic bombs on Japan to end WWII

    U.S. drops two atomic bombs on Japan to end WWII
    This ushers in the nuclear age. After WWII the Cold War begins with the Soviet Union. We engage in a missile race with the Soviet Union for the rest of the century.
  • Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat on the bus

    Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat on the bus
    Ushers in the Civil Rights movement. 1964 Civil Rights Legislation is passed. 1968 Martin Luther King Jr. is assassinated.
  • We put a human being on the moon!!

    We put a human being on the moon!!
    This took a decade of dedicated effort. There were six manned US landings between 1969 and 1972. A total of 12 individuals have stepped foot on the moon.
  • The Berlin Wall is torn down and the Cold War ends.

    The Berlin Wall is torn down and the Cold War ends.
    For forty years we had been in a "Cold War" with the Soviet Union.
  • 911

    On Sept 11, 2001 terrorists hijacked four aircraft. Two were flown into the Twin Towers in New York City and one into the Pentagon in Washington D. C. Passengers overpowered the hijackers in the fourth plane and crashed it into rural Pennsylvania
  • Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan

    Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan
    Afghanistan was the longest war in American history. It lasted from 2001 - 2022
  • Hurricane Katrina

    Hurricane Katrina
    This was the costliest natural disaster in US history. It cost 125 billion dollars in damage. When the levees broke, large parts of New Orleans were submerged. 1245 people died.
  • Social Media

    Social Media
    The creation of the virtual community, found in Internet companies such as Facebook, My Space and Twitter.
  • The Great Recession

    The Great Recession
    This was the most significant downturn since WWII. This recession lasted from Dec 2007 until Jun 2009.
  • DVD's replace VHS tapes

    DVD's replace VHS tapes
    DVD's replace VHS tapes as the most popular form of entertainment!
  • My Birthday :)

    My Birthday :)
  • Osama bin Laden is killed

    Osama bin Laden is killed
    After more than a decade, Osama bin Laden is killed during a raid in Pakistan. After years of looking, the CIA tracked him down and in May, Navy Seals storm his compound and kill the originator of the 9-11 attacks.
  • Williamsburg Intermediate is founded!

    Williamsburg Intermediate is founded!
    The total awesomeness that is our middle school started this year!
  • Smartphones

    Over Two Thirds of Americans Own Smartphones
  • The Coronavirus Pandemic

    The Coronavirus Pandemic
    The Coronavirus/COVID 19 started in Wuhan China. March 11, declared a world wide Pandemic. A new Upper respiratory disease that is highly contagious. Total cases in US as of 2022- 80,648,481. Total deaths in US as of April 2022- 987,601.