American History 1921-1941

  • Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist Workers Party

    Adolf Hitler became the leader of the Nationalist Socialist Workers Party, by blaming Jews and Marxists for the fall of Germany and introduces the idea of the Aryan race and this later put him in the position to rise in the political ranks and become the leader of Germany
  • The great Depression begins

    After the stock market crashes in the United States the crash developed into a money shortage and caused global unemployment and financial struggle.
  • The Bonus Army

    the bonus army was a large group of veterans and their families who gathered in Washington DC & demanded payment of the bonuses promised to WWI veterans
  • Congress establishes the Reconstruction Finance Corporation

    The R.F.C. was allowed to lend $2 billion to banks, insurance companies, building and loan associations, agricultural credit organizations, and railroads in order to help control the economic decline in America
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt becomes the 32nd President

    Franklin Roosevelt serves in office for 12 years and is the only president to serve for more than two terms, and during his time in office he launched many programs like the new deal.
  • The Dust Bowl

    As a result of a long drought period and high winds, the topsoil in the southern American Plains was blown away which caused all crops and livestock in the area to die.
  • Social Security Act

    The Social Security Act provided general welfare benefits for elderly people after retirement when President Roosevelt signed the Act.
  • The Works Progress Administration

    The Works Progress Administration was a part of the new deal and employed unemployed Americans in building up American infrastructure such as bridges and dams like the Hoover Dam.
  • Germany invades Poland

    Germany invades Poland and this results in the beginning of World War 2
  • The Japanese attack Pearl Harbor

    In an attempt to destroy the United States navy and to control pacific Japan launches an attack on Pearl Harbor sinking 8 American Battleships and killing more than 2,400 Americans in the process