American Government Chapter 2 Section 1-2 9-30-13 Jessy Stueven

  • Sep 30, 1215

    Magna Carta was created

  • Jamestown was founded

  • Americas first legistature in America called the Virginia House of Burgess

  • Pilgrams signed Mayflower Compact

  • King Charles 1 took throne in England and dissolved Parliment

  • 1628 King Charles signes the petition of Rights

  • Puritian Immigrants settled near Massachusetts Bay

  • Plymouth County Settlement Began

  • Americas first constitution called Fundamental Orders of Conneticut

  • 1688 King James was removed from the throne and crowned King William

  • french-Indian War

  • Begiman Franklin proposed plan for combing the colonies

  • George 3 became King

  • England enforced stamp act

  • Boston Tea Party

  • Committees of correspondence

  • Delegates meet for first time in Philidelphia

  • First shot of Revolutionary war

  • States crated a resolution to be free from great britian

  • French revolution