Lincoln Elected president
kl Lincoln Was the first republican president to recive 180 of the 303 possible electoral votes which was a 40% popular vote. -
South Carolina secedes from the South
They were also followed by getting out of the union by, Florida, Mississippi, Alabama, Georiga, Louisana, Texas -
Confederate states of America is Formed with Jefferson Davis
Jefferson Davis, A west point graduate and former U.S. Army officer, as a president for the the Confederate states of America -
Abraham Lincoln Is sworn in as the 16th president of the United States
Abraham Lincoln Is sworn in as the 16th president of the United States Of America. -
Fort Summer Attacked
CAt 4:30 am on the Moring of April 12, 1861 Confederates under the command of Gen. Pierre Beauregard opened fire 50 cannon sell upon fort summer. -
President Lincoln Issues a Proclamation
LPresident Lincoln Issued a proclamation the 75,000 militamen, and make a special meeting for congress to meet.