Titans of Industry
-Samuel Slater; built the first factory in America, built cotton spinning mill, textiles industry
-Oliver Evans created a high-pressure steam engine that was adaptable to a great variety of industrial purposes
-Andrew Carnegie: Expanded the steel industry
-free enterprise system
-vertical integration: when the production and distribution of a product is controlled by a single company
-horiozntal integrtion: taking over a similar company to increase your market share -
Republican Reconstruction
-Union won the civil war (1865)
-4 million slaves freed, but serious political and social problems perservered
-Lincolns 10% plan, allowed a Southern state to form their own gov't if 10% of voters swore an oath to the U.S
-Controversial election of 1876: Rutherford B. Hayes triumphed over Samuel J. Tilden; despite tidens advantage in the popular vote and -
Post Civil War Southern Society
-Since the war was faught mainly on Southern ground, Northerners didn't have to go through the struggle of rebuilding
-South sustained immense damage, cities in ruins, thousands of people starving/suffering
-Freedmans Bureau was created to help the South- U.S gov't agency which provided federal aided distressed freed slaves
-Sharecropping: black families rented small plots of land in return for a portion of their crop to be given to the landowner -
Transcontinental Railroad
-The Pacific railroad act chartered the Central Pacific and the Union Pacific Railraod companies to build a transcntinental railroad that would link the U.S from East to West
-Helped bring the American West into the 'Union,' making goods and transportation much quicker -
Period: to
Gilded-Age Business Cycles
-Era of social problems disguised by an unrealistic wealthy image
-Increase of Industrialization= increased labor force
-Imimgrants extreamly poor -
Frederick Jackson Turner Thesis
-American historian
-'The Significance of the Frontier in American history"
-Argued that the moving Western frontier shaped American democracy -
Labor Unions
-Samuel Gomper was a Labor Union leader
-Lewis was an American leadr of organized labor, president of United mine workers of America
-AFL, firrst federation of labor unions in the U.S
-CIO, federation of unions that organized workers in industrial unions in the U.S
Wagner Act: U.S. labor Law which guarentees basic rights of private sector employees to organize trade unions
-Taft Hartley Act; designed to amend the National Labor Relations Act
-Sherman Anti-Trust Act; prohibits anticompetitive -
Dawes Act
-Allowed the U.S president to divide Indian Tribal land into allotmenrts for induvidual Indians
-Thoose who accepted the allotments and lived seperatley from other Indians were granted U.S citizenship -
Gospel of Wealth
-known as the "savage of wealth"
-article written by Andrew Carnegie that descirbes the responsibility of philanthropy by the newly rich and upper-class -
Sherman Anti-Trust Act
-Prohibits certain buisness activities that the federal gov't sees as anticompetitive
-Was used against unions -
Spanish American War
-Confilct between Spain and U.S, which was the result of American intervention in the Cuban War of independence
-American attacks on Spains Pacific possesseions led to involvement in the Phillippine Rev. and then the Phillippine American War
-events in Cuba were sensationalized in U.S papers thourgh Yellow Journalism -
Open Door Policy
-Policy which proposed to keep China open to trade with all countries on equal basis, no international power would could have total control of the country -
Growth of the Cities
-Immigrants came to America for farming oppertunities
-more and more Americans began moving from farms to cities for industrial oppertunities
-the gov't grew in response to new problems and icreased immigration
-Politicians were currupt
-horrid sanitation, no plumbing or toilets
-huge gap between rich and poor -
-Political philopsophy based on the idea of progress, advances in science, technology, economic development and social organization that can improve human condition
-Suffrage, Prohibition,
-Focusd on purification of Gov't through direct democracy -Muckrackers were journalists who worked to expose social ills -
Ford/Model T/Assembly line
-Henry Ford was the founder of the 'Ford' motor company
-Model T was the first affordable automobile, for the common man
-The Model T was so affordable because of the new production technique knows as the assembly line
-the assembly line replaced induvidual hand crafting -
Post WW1 attitude of American
-Americans wanted to revert to isolationism, after the war to prevent further conflicts with other countries -
1920s Literature
-The Great Gatsby
-Generation that came about during WW1, refers specifically to the writers fof the 1920s (Hemingway, Fitzgerald) which symbolized a disalusioned postwar society characterized by lost values, lost belief in human progress -
Mellon Economic policies
-Secretary of Treasurer under presidents Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover
-Followed policis that involved cutting tax rates and reducing public spending
-critisized for favoring the wealthy with his policies -
Naval Building Limitations
-Limited naval arms which saught to increase limitations of warship building -
Scopes Trial and cultural conflict
-High School teacher was accused of violating Tennesee's Butler Act, which prohibited teachers from teachign evolution int he class room
-attacted national attention, and made people question their religious beliefs
-science v. religion -
Kellogg-Briand Pact
international agreement in which signatory states promised not to use war to resolve disputes
-Most countries, including the U.S signed the treaty -
The Great Depression
-Severe worldwide economic depression preceeding World War II
-Triggered by the fall of stock prices in U.S, then the stock parket crashed
-Hoover believed the Great Depression was part of a passing recesion
-Although he founded gov't agencies, public works porgram, and stuggles to balance the budget -
Neutrality Acts
-Were in response to the growing turmoil in Europe and Asia that eventually led to WW II.
-spurred by isolationism and non interventionism, and sought to ensure that the U.S would not become entangled again in foreign conflicts -
1930s Isolationism
-Citizens believed the most important issues were domestic
The Great Depression and and tragic losses from WW1 contributed to the populations desire for isolationism -
League of Nation
-Founded as a result of the Paris peace conference that ended the first World War
-International orginization meant to maintain world peace
-strived to prevent wars, settling international disputes peacefully ets.
-Failed because some big superpowers did not join, such as America -
-FDR declared a bank holiday in first 100 days
-Passed many important bills
-FDR's court packing called for more supreme court justices
-Good Neighbor Policy: Foreign policy in which America had a non-interference in Latin Americas domestic affairs -
-Global War, sparked by Hitlers invasion of Poland in 1939
-continued for 6 years untill the final allied defeat of Nazi Germany and Japan
-Japanese internment camps: over 110,000 Japanese people were legaly ordered to internemnet camps, where their culture was surpresses, and widespread desease killed many
-Women were intstumental in industrial jobs, and replaced men while they were in war -Women were instrumental, and their place in society was strengthened -
-Truman fair deal; ambitious proposals from Truman. Aid to education, universal health insurance, Fair emplyment practices commision
-Initiated the Cold War, to containt he Soviets
-'Truman Doctorine,' commited the U.S in supporting everyone in the world in their effort to resist and surpress comunism(containment)
-Korean War, U.S entered to help prevent North Korea from enforcing comunism in the South. U.S believed comunism spreading anywhere was a threat to the U.S -
-World had recovered from ww2, the cold war was now a threat
-First year people began living in Suburbs, middle class expanded
-After WW2 soldiers returned, couples began producing a lot of babies (Baby boom)
-Nuclear war scare from Soviets, bobm shelters in homes were the norm
-Economy soared after WW2
-consumerism rose, middle class families began buying tvs, radios, household objects etc. (advertisments) -
-Practice of making accusations of disloyalty, subversion, or treason without propor regard for evidence
-Originated in the 2nd Red Scare -
Plessy v. Ferguson–Brown v. Board of Education
-Segregation is ok as long as it is equal; 'seperate but equal"
-Overturned Plessy v. Ferguson decision, integrated schools -
Civil Rights Part2
-March on WA. MLK gave 'I have a dream" speach
-Radical black Leaders: Black Panther Party for self defense, faught violence with violence; oppisite of MLK -
Civil Rights Movement
-Social movements whose goal was to end racial segregation and discrimination against African Americans
-African Americans would sit in restauraunts where they weren't allowed, refusing to leave until served (which rarely happened) therefore stunting buisnesses incomes
-Martin Luther King: the leader of the Civil Rights Movement, inspirational, believed in peaceful demonstrations against injust behaviors and laws towards blacks
-Brown V. Board desergregated schools
-March on Washington -
-Faught between North Vietnam (communist) and South Vietnam, supported by the U.S (anti-communist)
-Nixon was not favored thoughout the war, did not end when he said it would end
-Many protests, public saw horrific events happening in Vietnam -
-First artifical Earth satiliette
-Soviet Union Launched
-Triggered the Space Race, in which FDR declared we would send a man to the moon
-NASA was created, goal acomplished! -
1960s Protests
-Revolution in clothing, politics, social norms
-Civil Rights protests, movement
-The student movement
-Gay rights movement
-Anti-Vietnam War protests (hippies)
-Womens movement "The Feminine Mystique" -
Cuban Missle Crisis
-13 day confrontation between the Soviet Union and Cuba
-U.S failed to overthrow the Cuban regime
-FDR president
-Known as the moment the Cold War came closest to beocming a nuclear conflict -
Social Dawrinism
-application of Charles Darwin's scientific of evolution and natural selection to contemporary social development
-Claimed that only the 'fittest' will survive in the buisness world
-American buisnessmen justified this reasoning to proove their superiority -
-People's Party/Populists
-Political Doctorine in which thhe people side with thoose against the elite
-Contributed to the American Rev.
-the 1896 election undermined aguarian insugency, and a period of rising farm prices led to the populist parties failure -
Laissez faire economics
-translates into "leave it alone"
-was the U.S governemnent policy towards buisness
-Influenced by Adamn Smith, who believed that private interests should have free rein
-expanded American capitalism
-As long as markets were free and competetive, the actions of free induviduals would be more productive than gov't intervention