America in the 60's

  • SNCC formed

    SNCC formed
    This is the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee. Students would peacefully protest in hopes to solve racism.
  • First televised Presidential Debate

    First televised Presidential Debate
    This was Nixon vs Kennedy. This debate would sway the way many people voted. Nixon looked nervous and unkept, while Kennedy looked cool and calm.
  • First airing of "The Flintstones"

    First airing of "The Flintstones"
    This was a childrens TV show that aired in the 1960's. It became rapidly popular.
  • Kennedy is elected

    Kennedy is elected
    John f Kennedy would be elected as the 35th president. He was a people's favorite
  • Russians send the first man into space

    Russians send the first man into space
    Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin, was the first man to ever be in space. In 1960, the Russians launched a space ship with him in it, into space.
  • Berlin Wall Construction

    Berlin Wall Construction
    A wall separating east and west berlin was built. Knocked down after the war
  • Roger Maris breaks Babe Ruths home run record

    Roger Maris breaks Babe Ruths home run record
    Yankees slugger Roger Maris was on pace to break Ruths single season home run recor all season long. On October 1st 1961, it finally happened.
  • SDS releases its Port Huron Statement

    SDS releases its Port Huron Statement
    The Port Huron Statement argued that because "the civil rights and peace and student movements are too poor and socially slighted, and the labor movement too quiescent".
  • Marilyn Monroe dies

    Marilyn Monroe dies
    Popular actress and model, Marilyn Monroe fatefully passes. She overdosed on drugs.
  • Cuban Missle Crisis

    Cuban Missle Crisis
    35 day nuclear war scare between USA and the Soviet Union. Nuclear missiles were placed in Cuba by the soviets.
  • James Meredith enrolls at Ole Miss

    James Meredith enrolls at Ole Miss
    Meredith was the first colored person to enroll at Ole Miss. He would end up getting accepted.
  • Dr.No premiers

    Dr.No premiers
    This was the first James Bond movie. Many people loved this movie and more James Bond movies would be made in the future.
  • MLK's "I have a dream" speech

    MLK's "I have a dream" speech
    This was a speech that MLK delivered in Washington D.C. This speech was about the dreams that he had for American people in the future.
  • JFK assassination

    JFK assassination
    JFK was riding in a convertible in Texas, going through the city when he was shot multiple times.
  • Beatles arrive in the United States

    Beatles arrive in the United States
    The popular British boy band arrives in the United States after a long waited arrival.
  • Beatles appear on Ed Sullivan

    Beatles appear on Ed Sullivan
    This was the Beatles first live tv appearance. More than 70 million people watched this airing.
  • New York's World Fair begins

    New York's World Fair begins
    A ginormous fair that took place in NY. Over 140 pavilions, 110 restaurants and hundreds of thousands of people attended this fair.
  • Lyndon B Johnson defeats Barry Goldwater

    Lyndon B Johnson defeats Barry Goldwater
    Johnson beat Goldwater in the general election vote, winning 61 percent of the votes. Only democrat within 30 years to win by that wide spread of a margin.
  • Malcom X assassination

    Malcom X assassination
    Another black civil activist who was killed for expressing his views. MLK and Malcom X had two different ideas throughout their lives, but eventually united with one.
  • Watts race riots

    Watts race riots
    Riots over the pulling over of a black male who was suspected to be drinking and driving. He was not, and riots would escalate.
  • LSD declared illegal

    LSD declared illegal
    On may 30th, 1966, use, possession, and sale of LSD was ruled illegal by numerous states. Nevada and California beginning the trend of ruling it illegal.
  • Star Trek TV show airs.

    Star Trek TV show airs.
    A very famous tv show that many people would enjoy during the 60's. In the future, movies would be made, even today.
  • First Super Bowl

    First Super Bowl
    The first Super Bowl was held between the Green Bay Packers and the Kansas City Chiefs. The Packers would come out as victorious.
  • Ali refuses military service

    Ali refuses military service
    Ali was inducted into the United States airfare, however he refused, saying his religion would not allow him to serve.
  • Sgt Peppers Album

    Sgt Peppers Album
    One of the best Beatles album they released.
  • Sanfrancisco "Summer of Love" begins

    Sanfrancisco "Summer of Love" begins
    Phenomenon that occurred in the summer of 1967. Hundreds of thousands joined the hippie movement.
  • Thurgood Marshall nominated to the Supreme Court

    Thurgood Marshall nominated to the Supreme Court
    Thurgood Marshall is the first African American to be nominated into the Supreme Court.
  • Tet Offensive

    Tet Offensive
    Major escalation and one of the largest campaigns of the war.
  • Assassination of MLK

    Assassination of MLK
    Civil Activist MLK, is assassinated at a motel on this day. He was one of the most supported black activists.
  • Rob Kennedy Assasination

    Rob Kennedy Assasination
    Shot in a hotel the night he won the California Presidential Primary
  • Protests at the 1968 DNC

    Protests at the 1968 DNC
    Protest activities against the Vietnam war during this time. These protests took place at the Democratic National Convention.
  • Nixon election

    Nixon election
    Nixon was elected as the 37th president. He preached strong success for the economy.
  • Stonewall riots

    Stonewall riots
    Spontaneous protests by members of the gay community. These occurred in reaction to the police raids that occurred at the Stonewall inn during the morning hours
  • American astronauts land on the moon

    American astronauts land on the moon
    Neil and Buzz become the first people to ever land on the moon. This follows the launch of sputnik into orbit
  • Woodstock Concert

    Woodstock Concert
    A three day music festival held in up state NY. Many people experimented with new types of music and new drugs during this time period, making the festival a surreal experience.
  • Rolling Stones host the Alamont music festival

    Rolling Stones host the Alamont music festival
    This was their final show of their tour. This was a one day rock festival, many people were very eager to attend. This was the grand finale.