
America during the Renaissance

  • 1428

    The Triple alliance is formed

    The Triple alliance is formed
    The aztects, formed the triple alliance with two other city-staes: Texcoco and Tlacopan from The Triple Alliance. This alliance became the leading power in The Mexico Valley and soon gained neighbors regions.
  • 1438


    Pachacuti Inca Yupanqui was also known as Pachaucutec. Pachacuti was the one
    who transformed a small Inca kingdom into the famous empire, Tawantinsuyu. He
    was the ninth Inca emperor (1438-71). He was the fourth Emperor of the Hanan dynasty
  • 1468


    "The mighty one" was the third Sapa Inca of the Inca Empire, sixth of the Hanan dynasty, and the eleventh of the Inca civilization.
  • 1473


    Tenochtitlan was an Aztec city that was arranged in a slightly different
    manor than other Aztec cities It was one of the largest cities in the world at the time of the Spanish
    Tenochtitlan was at first constructed like other city-state capitals with
    an organized central area and an unorganized region outside the
    center precincts
    Tenochtitlan became the capital of the Aztec Civilization
    The entire city of Tenochtitlan was divided into five quadrants
  • 1495


    11th and last aztec emperor.became emperor in 1520 on the death of Montezuma’s
    success. Cuauhtémoc’s frontier forces were forced to retreat in
    1521, and he defended his capital in a four-month siege that left
    most of the city destroyed. Captured by the Spanish Cuauhtémoc
    was tortured to reveal the location of hidden Aztec wealth. His
    stoicism and refusal to speak became legendary.
  • 1500

    The Inca Empire (Largest in America)

    The Inca Empire (Largest in America)
    From 1438 to 1533, the Incas used a variety of methods, from conquest to
    peaceful assimilation, to incorporate a large portion of western South America,
    centered on the Andean mountain ranges.
    Comparable to the Historical empires of Eurasia.
    The Inca Empire was short-lived. It lasted just shy of 100 years, from ca.1438 AD,
    when the Inca ruler Pachacuti and his army began conquering lands surrounding the Inca heartland of Cuzco, until the coming of the Spaniards in 1532.
  • 1502

    Montezuma succeded

    Montezuma succeded
    Montezuma defeated his uncle as the leader of the Aztecs. He was commander of the army and organized expeditions of conquest in deference to Huitzilopochtli, the god of war and the sun
  • 1519

    Hernan Cortes arrived in Mexico

    Hernan Cortes arrived in Mexico
    Hernan cortes arrives at Mexico, they were greeted by the Totonacos who wanted freedom. They became allies and slowly starts to make his way into Tenochtitlan, heart of the Aztec Empire.
  • 1520

    Huayna Capas Died

    Huayna Capas Died
    Huayna undertook a tour of Ecuador, a newly conquered area of the empire. In the city of Quito, he received a gift box. When it opened, butterflies flew out. Weeks later Capec died of disease.
    After his dead the empire split between his two sons.
  • 1521

    Fall of Tenochtitlan

    Fall of Tenochtitlan
    Tenochtitlan was a big city where the emperors of the Aztecs lived and now is Mexico City. The fall
    of Tenochtitlan happened because of the Spanish people that conquered Mexico. The Spanish
    were led by Hernan Cortes while the fall of Tenochtitlan. It represents when the Aztecs and the
    Spanish fought and the Spanish won the war, Tenochtitlan didn´t fall physically.
  • 1522

    Mexico built over Tenochtitlan

    Mexico built over Tenochtitlan
    Cortés decided to build Mexico City on the ancient Aztec capital.most of the city was destroyed during the capture of which only a few ruins survived. All this to build a new city. The Plaza Mayor, the Zócalo, were built, on top of the Cathedral, the Viceroys Palace ,etc. Cortés divided the city into 2:The Spanish lived in the center , and the 4 indigenous neighborhoods were preserved: Thaquechiuhcan, Atzacualpa, Teopan and Moyotlán. Central part was Tlatelolco which suffered several problems.