Ame apa

America becoming a world power!

  • grover cleavland elected president

    grover cleavland elected president
    22nd president of the united states. sources, google images, and the text book.
  • Jose Marti leads cuban revolt.

    Jose Marti leads cuban revolt.
    dedicated his life to duban struggle for independance from spain. sources, text book google images
  • grover cleavland elected president

    grover cleavland elected president
    24th president of the united states. sited sources, google images, and the text book.
  • USS Main sent to Cuba.

    USS Main sent to Cuba.
    riots in havvana broke out and the ship was sent out to police the riots but a month after it was dispatched it explodes. no one knew why it exploded or how. this caused tension between america and spain. sources text book, google images.
  • spanish american war begins.

    spanish american war begins.
    president McKinley sighns resolution that sent a message to spain that they must free cuba andwithdraw thier forces from cuba. span refused and they were braught into war. sources text book google images.
  • spain sighns treaty

    spain sighns treaty
    spain finally gave in and handed over cuba. the US also demanded they give up other colonies like Peurto Rico.
    sources text book, google images.
  • Jhon Hay proposes open door policy.

    Jhon Hay proposes open door policy.
    a policy that proposed tha ideathe no single country should have a monopoly on trade with china. eventualy most countrys agreed to this. sources text book google images
  • country of Panama is created

    country of Panama is created
    president roosevelt sent US nacy to support a revolution on the isthus on the panama canal. out of the revolution panama was created. sources test book google images.
  • Fleet sent to veracruz, mexico by U.S. president Woodrow Wilson

    Fleet sent to veracruz, mexico by U.S. president Woodrow Wilson
    the fleet was sent to keep the peace and also to make sure it wouldnt threaten us interests. sources text book, google images.
  • Panama canal opens.

    Panama canal opens.
    a shortcut that connectsthe pacific and atlantic oceans. strategic for trading and wars. sources, text book and ggogle images.